Journey into the Extraordinary Realm of Water-Repellent Surfaces

Journey into the Extraordinary Realm of Water-Repellent Surfaces

We all have groups of friends who will reflect different personalities. One will have a flirting nature, another will be very silent, and another will be a rugged nature! As a @Al-Zira reader, you guys can ask me a question, why am I writing this in a nanotech article? Because today our topic is linked to this story. This article will reflect the nature of the material that can classify with liquids. I hope you guys guessed it the measurement of the contact angle on the surface of a material, can classify into three types - Hydrophilic, Hydrophobic & superhydrophobic.

As you can easily remember, I will continue the story here about hydrophilic nature. The hydrophilic nature of the material will attract water or any liquid easily. (Like a guy who will get a girl's number instantly). The term "hydrophilic" comes from the Greek words "Hydro" meaning water and "Philos" meaning loving or affinity. This affinity will help the water to stick to the surface. Let me tell you why it is happening. Because of the structure of the material and its composition. If you can relate this with that Hydrophilic guy you will get to know it's his born nature! ( I can feel the Pain of the readers). How he is getting this capacity is!

Molecules with polar or ionic characteristics, such as those containing hydroxyl (-OH), carboxyl (-COOH), or amino (-NH2) groups, often exhibit hydrophilic properties. The functional groups have partial or complete charges that can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, allowing for interactions between the substance and water.

You can note that I didn't speak about the contact angle till now. What does the contact angle mean that the angle between the surface of the water and the material? For the hydrophilic particle, the angle between the material and the water should be less than 90 degrees. And another parameter we need to know is Surface tension. When hydrophilic molecules or particles are soluted to the water, they disrupt the intermolecular forces between water molecules, leading to a decrease in surface tension. (But in reality, if you have a friend like him it will be tension forever)

The next guy (not exactly a guy) is Hydrophobic - very Independent and silent. He knows when to say no. His nature will be exactly the opposite of the hydrophilic guy. The term "hydrophobic" comes from the Greek words "Hydro" meaning water and "Phobos" meaning fear or aversion. Hydrophobic substances are typically nonpolar or have limited polarity, meaning they lack charged or polar groups that can interact with water molecules. He may be very good at saying no. He has the capability of resistance. The warrior in a friend gang!

Hydrophobic substances exhibit strong resistance to water. When in contact with water, they tend to bead up or form droplets on the surface rather than spreading or dissolving. For example, the substances like oil and grease will exhibit this kind of property. In solubility, he (hydrophobic materials) is pitty in that! Lack of solubility and surface tension leads to engaging research in the thin film field! In terms of contact angle, the contact angle should be greater than 90 degrees.

Last but not least! The Hero of the gang! We all have one friend who is very famous everywhere. His power is used to tell if someone makes fun or is in a fight - "I am his friend"? In Superhydrophobicity, the contact angle will be more than 120 degrees. As in nature, the lotus leaf has this capacity!?

The term "superhydrophobic" comes from the combination of "Super" indicating an extraordinary or exceptional state. the term "Hydrophobic" denoting the aversion to water. The name represents this in an extraordinary property. It is characterized by exceptionally high contact angles and low contact angle hysteresis, causing water droplets to roll off or bounce off the surface without wetting it. May sounds crazy but think "What if we humans exhibit this nature during winter?" We can easily take a shower without a heater! (let me know your thoughts in the comments)

The surface nature of them is Superhydrophobic surfaces often possess unique micro or nanostructures that contribute to their water-repellent properties. The roughness and hierarchical organization of the structures create a high surface area and minimize solid-liquid contact, promoting water repellency.

As a person needs to be Rugged it can happen in two ways one is born? another one is due to some external factors they will become like this

As we are speaking, Super hydrophobicity can be achieved through two main mechanisms: the Cassie-Baxter state and the Wenzel state. In the Cassie-Baxter state, air pockets are trapped between the water droplet and the surface structure, as the result in a reduced contact area and increased water repellency. In the Wenzel state, the water droplet fully infiltrates the surface structure, which enhances its stability and contact angle.

Haa how today you guys can connect these three natures to the real world and it is a basic idea about the nature of the materials. Hope it is helpful for you guys! Don't forget to comment on your thoughts and answer the question!


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