Have you ever wondered what makes successful people successful?

No matter the occupation, all successful people have that certain “pizzazz.” That one thing that we can’t put a finger on, but we know we want because that’s what will help us grow and reach our own goals, whether personal or professional.

You might think that there is a direct correlation between high IQ and success. But research shows that although IQ tests can give a good indication of where someone is within the intelligence spectrum, there needs to be a betterindicator of success performance across various groups of people.

Then, talent is a prerequisite for success.

How else could Michael Jordan become one of the greatest basketball players and athletes of all time if he hadn’t talent? It must be talent.

Not exactly.

Genetics may determine the starting line, but hard work determines the finish line.

It’s all in the personality.

Certain personality traits have a lot more to do with success than either IQ or talent.

It was found that “non-cognitive” skills, such as perseverance, good study habits, and the ability to collaborate – in other words – conscientiousness (or diligence), have a much more significant impact on success than IQ.

Conscientiousness may sound dull, but is one of the Big Five personality test traits that human resources professionals use when placing employees.

It reflects the tendency to be responsible, organised, hard-working, and goal-oriented.

Conscientious individuals tend to be high achievers. They have a high productivity level; they make more money, have good relationships, work satisfaction, and achieve more. In addition, conscientious people tend to land more leadership positions.

A more modern twist on “conscientious” is the word “grit”.

There’s another set of personality traits that play an essential role in achieving success: determination and perseverance.

Some might think that these two mean the same thing. Although they’re in the same family, they technically mean two different things.

Determination is considered to be a “firm or fixed” intention. It signifies a state of mental resolution and is generally shorter-term.

Perhaps you are determined to end all meetings on time, close a number of big deals by the end of the quarter, or launch your company’s most significant online event of the year.

In trying to reach a goal, you will experience ups and downs, which may knock you off your game. And when this happens, sometimes your determination will come back, and sometimes it won’t. If it doesn’t come back, reaching your goal will dissolve into thin air.

Perseverance, on the other hand, is long-term. It means doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

No matter how hard things get, you keep going for it. You keep trying, and you test things, you make adjustments and continue for a very long period.

The importance of the right mindset

Another critical element of success is having the right mindset.

There are two different kinds of mindsets -fixed and growth.

Individuals with a “fixed mindset” believe that intelligence is fixed and that they’re either born with talent or not. Therefore, they spend all their time trying to look smart rather than spending time learning and developing.

These are the kind of people who will give up after trying something a few times.

On the other hand, individuals with a “growth mindset” believe that they can be good at anything and that their abilities can grow through perseverance, dedication and the right strategy. With a growth mindset, individuals don’t let failure define them.

Needless to say, success comes from a growth mindset, rather than fixed mindset.

But all hope is still possible if you identify with a fixed mindset. As mindsets are just beliefs, “They’re powerful beliefs, but they’re just something in your mind, and you can change your mind.”

A 5-step journey to excellence

Changing your thoughts starts withself awarness and the understanding that the key to your success already lies in your hands.

Everyone can succeed and become their own personal best.

Talent and IQ are not the deciders of your fate. You are!

Through hard work, perseverance and changes in behaviour, you can re-focus/wire your brainfor success.

Here are five steps that you can take to do that:

1. Set a stretch goal

It is impossible to get better if you continue doing as you’ve been without a goal to improve at something.

Let’s say you’re a sales rep. When you were first employed, you learned everything that you could. You devoured information about the products that you were supposed to sell, you learned about your company’s business model and processes and you deep-dived into your market segment.

At that time, you were willing to take any and all advice when it came to how you could improve your performance and you eagerly applied these learnings to your job every day. You started to succeed at your job and you were happy with your results.

Then, a year or more passes and you fall into a pattern. You come into work and you do the same exact thing day after day, week after week, expecting the same improvement results as when you first started. But you don’t see that. Instead, you find that you’ve reached a plateau.

To improve performance, you have to get out of your comfort zone.

Ask yourself what it is precisely that you want to get better at. Be specific.

Note your goals down.

Whatever you choose, make sure it’s out of your comfort zone and not something you’ve already mastered. Imagine more. Don’t be content with where you are now.

2. Learn. A lot.

If you want to get better at something, sitting in front of the TV is not recommended to watch Netflix all night long. You have to a machine excelling at learning.

Warren Buffet, one of the most successful investors in the world is ,the Buffett Formula for anyone who wants to become successful. The formula is simple: “The key to success is going to bed a little smarter each day.

He reads 500 pages a day. He says that reading is “like a good investment. It holds the power of compounding interest.”

But it’s not just reading that will make you successful. You also have to think about what it is that you read.

“Neither Warren nor I is smart enough to make the decisions with no time to think,” Warren Buffett’s business partner once told a reporter. “We make actual decisions very rapidly, but that’s because we’ve spent so much time preparing ourselves by quietly sitting, reading, and thinking.”

3. Practice with purpose

We’ve all heard the saying, “Practice makes perfect, " meaning the more you practice, the better you’ll get.

Malcolm Gladwell popularised the “10,000-hour rule” in his bestseller Outliers: The Story of Success, where he stipulated that anyone can become an expert or master performer in their field if they practice a task for 10,000 hours.

This theory has since been disproven. It is not the quantity of the practice that makes a difference. It’s the quality of practice. Research shows that expertise is created through deliberate practice - practice that focuses on tasks beyond your current level of competence and comfort.

You will achieve excellence when you deliberately and intentionally practice what is most challenging.

Apply 100% focus when you are practising. Push yourself a little every day. Track your daily progress to be better tomorrow than you were today.

4. Get feedback

You need feedback to improve. And when we say feedback, we don’t mean when a family member or your significant other tells you you’re doing a good job.

There are many ways to receive feedback. Here are two ways you can use feedback in your work:

  • Use measurement as a feedback system. What you measure is what you want to improve. So, for example, how many LinkedIn connections did you make yesterday, how many sales conversations did you start, how many deals did you close? By measuring, you can see if you are getting better or not.
  • Use coaching as a feedback mechanism. A teacher, a coach or a trusted collaborator is essential for sustaining deliberate practice. Good coaches can track your progress, hold you accountable, keep you motivated, and find small ways to improve.

5. Listen, reflect and start the cycle again

Suffice it to say that not all the feedback you get will come up roses.

It is the job of your coach or mentor to tell you what you are doing wrong and where you need to focus to improve.

Understand that achieving excellence is a process, not the end goal. You have to make tiny adjustments along the way. There will be days when you feel like you are making no progress, and then suddenly, you see a significant improvement.

Play the long game

People often give up way before they should because they’re looking for immediate gratification.

Whether you’re growing a business, learning a new skill or picking up a new hobby, there is no such thing as immediate gratification.

Remember, Michael Jordan didn’t become a champion overnight. It took years of practice, perseverance and hard work.

If you want to achieve success, you have to be in it for the long haul.

The journey to excellence is not easy.

It’s about failure, learning, adjusting, and failing again, only to repeat the process repeatedly.

“If you imagine less, less will be what you undoubtedly deserve,


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