A Journey into the DARKNESS
Ali Sleiman
B.S.E Electronic | CEO & Founder, Ali Modern Projects S.P.C | CEO & Co Founder, Barmejli Software Solutions | Oman
One of the most difficult things one can encounter is heading towards the unknown, but if you were to reveal what is to happen, what will you become and what will you accomplish, where is the joy in that?
Take an example being excited to watch a certain movie, and one of your friends started laying out the main events, what a bummer, he just ruined your movie for you, same can apply on your life, if you have known the facts what is going to happen, your life excitement is gone, your movie which your are staring in is no longer fun, you will be just fulfilling what you know, more like a puppet into this universe as knowing your future will not teach you what was the best you could have done or what best decision you could have taken, that will be just another loop of what if.
One of the good qualities many don’t value is not knowing the future, thinking if they have had that ability it will make their life easier, unfortunately that is not how the universe works, it will pin you down at your weak times until you feel the universe is ganging up on you, but in fact it is trying to strengthening you, preparing you for the worse to make you a better version of you.
There are times when you feel you are walking into a dark place in your life, afraid of what is going to happen, terrified of the unknown future of yours, will it be good or am I going to have hard time? The answer is you will definitely going to have a hard time always, but you should learn how to prepare and be ready to what is coming, darkness will never be known if there hasn’t been there any light and success is the same, it would never be called success unless there is failures, it’s the nature at which the universe is operating, you will never know something unless you experience the opposite, that’s the excitement and joy of life.
So if you are in such place in your life, follow the light, and the light is your determination, your patience and your wisdom in embracing the darkness, the light may seem a small beam at first but the longer you\ ?walk towards it the brighter it becomes, and the more faith you will build up along the way which ultimately going to pay off at the end of this journey, only for another journey to begin, a journey of pride and success that you can share to inspire others and become a role model to your family, friends and society..
Luckily the journey into the darkness may not happen only once, and you may encounter several in and out journeys along the path of your life, but when you have cracked the code once, there is no amount of darkness will block you from seeing that light you have created inside of you as you have become your own lighthouse, and the more you walk into the darkness the heavier your success is going to be, and what you really want to avoid is doubting yourself, as this is the only barrier between the path of darkness and the path of light, the moment you start doubting yourself is the moment you start decreasing the light which you have been following until it disappears and leave you wandering into the void not knowing which direction to go.
There will be times where you will be doubting yourself, and the best way to deal with this is to identify exactly what is it in you that you are doubting? Is it your skills? Your knowledge? Your wisdom? It could be anything, identify it as that is your weakness point, address it vividly and instead of drowning in it, use it as a hint to what you need to work on next, remember walking into the darkness is nothing but a sequence of understanding, working, improving and taking actions, let your doubt lead you to a better understanding of your situation and work on it as a project to strengthen that weak point in you, illuminate the thing that stands between you and your success, and you shall turn your doubts and weaknesses into magnifying tool for the light you are seeking.