The journey to change begins when you decide to take the first step

Each and every one of has our own Journey, it is about you, the individual, our own lived experiences and how all of that has influenced informing our character etc. I know for me all the above made me the person that I was and not knowing that the ingrained beliefs, what was been aid to me unconsciously my brain was registering all the time so much so that the beliefs became so  instilled and deep rooted that impacted on me in such a way that I became stuck within me and without at all been consciously aware that these was a huge factor in me that I lacked that I had any ability or believe that I was capable of making any change within me let alone taking any step.

For many years decisions were made for me by my parents, no consent or discussion ever took place about my feelings or what I wanted, I recall even going to school not been supported or encouraged to do much or spoken to in how i could improve, I was academically weak little to no interest was paid to me, my parents barely went to my parents evening, so basically when I look back I was no different to children who were illiterate, unable to read or write, I don’t ever recall to be encouraged to either or supported in any way do so. Sadly from my primary to my teens I had no hope for me, I couldn’t even see a glimmer of light so even thinking that I had capacity to change let alone take a step to do something different was out of the question.

All I remember that my life was tough, ugly and there where so many times i just did not want to wake up, i hoped the pain of been unwanted would go away or been a no body would just leave me, I suffered silently like this for years and for years it was as if was never going to end. I also absorbed so much negativity throughout my minority years that it affected me so badly both consciously and subconsciously that no matter even if I had a desire to want something better or different for myself was out of the question as I actually believed that there was no hope for me.

I can tell you this and it does not matter where you are in life, who you are what your status or class is, what you religion or ethnicity unless you, the I want to make the change, take the first step to change even if it is a small step nothing can change unless you want it.

I can tell you this today, as I am alive and I am real e.g of someone who had no hope, some who suffered parental neglect, bullying, domestic abuse, name it and I can carry on that you can start a new chapter, new journey a new begging if you want it, taking that first step is the beginning and the opening to new opportunities. I have done the work, firstly on me, I have addressed my insecurities, faced my fears and I have challenged myself all the time, I have learnt to take risks I have learnt to adapt and I certainly do not allow anyone to oppress me and i certainly don't seek approval or validation from any one about me.

This was the first step for me the beginning of a new chapter, I always say these challenges never stop but the love and belief I have for myself continues to allow me to walk the path of change no matter where I am in life. We all have the ability to take that first step, make that difficult decision and embark on a new challenge; the key is to believe you can.                              



