Journey to the center of Cinema 4D Lite
Fun wind deformer swishing along created by Lauren S.

Journey to the center of Cinema 4D Lite

It’s been years since I’ve made anything in a 3D program, made textures or animated anything. The last time I’d open a program was to look at Tinkercad 2 years ago, before that it was Maya in 2013. I discover a new exciting program I’d never known existed until now. Cinema 4D Lite it lives in AfterEffects and made by Maxon. Cinema 4D Lite appears less intimidating than Maya was. Thinking to myself I would less likely stare at the screen until my eyes glaze over in confusion. Intrigued I keep clicking through twitter feeds to find the creator. The course, known as Cinema 4D for Designers. 3DForDesigners, her name is Devon she is full of energy and makes me want to be a part of what she is peddling to others. There is a Black Friday sale for her course $99, instead of $327. I immediately see the value in this, here is my chance to start over and learn about motion graphics.

Currently, I’m penniless as I’m out of work and mental illnesses sometimes leave my focus…a bit foggy. The decision to make the purchase is instantaneous. I use one of the credit cards that still have some credit left on it. Afterward, I join in on the excitement over twitter tweeting about it. As I scroll twitter I discover that others have raised over $2,000 for others to able to take part in this course. I’d considered jumping in to ask if I could be one of the chosen ones for the course. I stop, why should I get to be one of the POC…do I deserve it? It’s not my place to ask for help, others need it more.

This all started when I decided to get out of the house to go out of town. I’d decided to commute to the nearest big city to see a speaker who is a children’s book illustrator & writer. By deciding to pass the time by networking on twitter.

Later on within a week I’m clicking through the course and watching every single video. I ask my spouse “Should I keep going until the end or watch one module and then move onto the next?” He expresses that I should complete one module at a time so I won’t get confused. Viewing the introduction video in the first module titled “Introduction”. Then, later on, I click on the video titled “Your Adventure Starts Here”.

Creating a plane object during one of the first few modules was simple enough. Hit some bumps along the way but excited my muscle memory I thought I’d purged years before was still intact. The point of the first module is to creating and animating a wind deformer. I freeze in fear, what if I can’t do it? Logging back online I see all my classmates who have made their wind deformers. Motivated by the fear of failure or of not utilizing the course I’d spent $99 on (that I didn’t have I reminded myself.) It triggers my fight, freeze or flight reaction. Success! I had spent 4+ hours of going back over the course step by step to create my wind deformer. My wind deformer gleams on my screen in all its swishy animated beauty. My husband comes home from work, I look at the clock it’s 10:30 pm. Realizing I’d been on the computer working longer than I thought.

#MotionGraphics #PersonalGrowth #Design #Cinema4DLite


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