The Journey to Career Awesomeness

The Journey to Career Awesomeness

I've written a few articles about career elevation and becoming one of the best in your field. It seems this is one of the most popular topics and rightfully so. The thing that I notice most often is that everyone pays lip service to the desire of being the best, but in actuality it's a challenging quest. If it wasn't everyone would be amazing at everything. There are a few key thing you need to do in order put yourself on the path of becoming great.

Make the Decision

At some point you have to decided that you're willing to put in the work. You have to have a vision for what it is you want to achieve and it needs to be compelling. It also has to be beyond just making more money. If it's something like I just want to make enough money to buy a new car for example, then once you achieve that you're done and your driving force is gone. Look further into the future and visualize some of the things you want to do in your life and for those around you.

The moment you make the decision the obsticles will appear. This happens to me all the time. If I decide I'm going to workout at the gym on a regular basis someone or something will always happen to interupt my schedule. The key is acknolwedging that this will happen in advance and come up with mitigation strategies beforehand. In any case once you've made that strategic decision don't let go of the vision.

Choose Your Niche Specialization

No one can be good at everything. It's better to be a specialist than a generalist. Back in the day when I was just a independent .NET consultant I would compete against everyone else who was a developer. I had nothing that made me stand out from others. I realized my odds of success would increase if I wasn't just a developer, but someone who was an expert in a specific domain. This isn't to say only know one single thing. Everyone needs some degree of breadth in their knowledge and experience, but have that thing that is uniquely special. In the Microsoft Dynamics domain that may be architecture, integrations, a particular app module such as field service. What are you interested in and what do you feel your thing should be? Be the best at that while you cover the other necessary areas.

Commit to a Study Schedule

Steven Hawking who up was considered one of the smartest people in the world before he passed away said at a science gather everyone thought he was so smart, but while everyone else was able to do many other things in their life all he could really do with his time was study science. This was a very powerful statement because it showed that diligent practice over extended periods of time an yield magnificent results. The same applies to you.

When I submitted my resume to Microsoft I felt a sense of urgency about my up coming interviews. While I felt fairly confident in my general domain knowledge I knew that there were going to be questions I'd probably be asked that I didn't anticipate. I didn't know when my interviews would be scheduled, but I wanted to at least be as prepared as I could be for anything thrown at me. Taking the advice of Zig Ziggler I started a study schedule of topics I was going to cover over the course of the coming weeks. Zig Ziggler actually recommends 1 hour of day of study, but getting into Microsoft was important enough to go the extra mile so I create a 3 hour a day study schedule. I set this up to spread the time out so I got up early and spend 1 hour before work, another hour during lunch eating at my desk and an hour after work before going to bed. I did this 7 days a week for 3 months straight. I shredded every blog, every video and every training content on Microsoft Partner source I could get my hands on. I had even setup a personal scrum board to keep track of my progress and planned out the topics I wanted to cover. Now granted this was probably extreme, but it was amazingly effective. It was a very mentally exhausting pace, but I passed my interviews and here we are today.

In any case as I've said in the past stop wasting time you could be using to learn. This means while you're waiting in the airport, sitting on a plane, traveling to work. These are great times you can be consuming content. Over the weeks and months you'll begin to realize you understand and know more than you realize which will ultimately lead you to the journey of awesome.


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