The journey begins.....
And so my next journey in life begins.
I'm reaching out to my network for advice and guidance on my next project.
I have a Thrift shop called Extra Time. It has been a successful startup journey so far.
My customers and donors are local, limiting how I can grow the business.
I feel the need to generate income on a more passive and therefore on a wider basis.
As our business is in the RREUSE - Reuse and Recycling European Union Social Enterprises space I would like to examine if we can recycle our history, culture, and heritage in some way that is more advanced than the basic tourism offers locally at present. Family History and Local History Collections
I would like to tell this local story as a digital tour guide to a worldwide audience.
I, therefore would like to write up our local stories, poems, songs, etc. They would be available online to anyone interested in traveling to our area to do their research, so would encourage more visitors.
This would also be available to the wider diaspora who have connections even though they may not be interested in traveling home.
This may also be a suitable gift to give to someone interested in Ancestry AncestryProGenealogists doing family research.
These are some of my ideas at the moment on what the Digital Products might look like.
My dilemma is how these products might be delivered. So I am reaching out to my LinkedIn connections, Tourist New App Tribal Tech - The Digital, Data & AI Specialists to help in showing me the way to make this happen.
Will it be an app App Academy or Website Learners It should include both Audio Technology and Video Technology .
There may of course be other options to deliver and monetize this idea and I am open to hearing and discussing them all. I am sure there are some exciting new solutions out there.
Please contact me on Linkedin in the first instance.
Fred Gallagher