The Journey of the ATOMIC Model-Passport to Success - Chapter Five Appendix
Photos by Eddy & Rosalie Sumar - 2009, Mosi-O-Tunya National Park, Zambia, Africa

The Journey of the ATOMIC Model-Passport to Success - Chapter Five Appendix

The Power of Illustrations

They say a picture is worth more than a thousand words. People talk both verbally and non-verbally. They use gestures, facial expressions, and body language to convey thoughts and feelings. People speak even silently without uttering a single word or using a single gesture.

So, the above pictures, though silent, speak. They contain clues as to the answers to the four scenarios mentioned in chapter five.

Let us take the first scenario.

One afternoon two weeks later, I saw myself in the Principal’s office presenting the CITD proposal. The proposal itself actually would cost the school nothing. The only thing we needed was access to the students. CITD would do the rest.

 What do you think happened?

a.  The Principal was happy and ecstatic to accept the proposal and laid out the red carpet.

b.  The Principal said: Why did you choose my school? Why not go to a comprehensive high school?

c.  The Principal rejected the proposal.

This picture shows a well poised bull, quasi picture perfect. You would think that he wanted us to take his picture! That afternoon in January 2009, we visited Mosi-O-Tunay National Park in Zambia, Africa. We entered with our vehicle to tour the park. A couple of hours into the tour, we decided to exit the vehicle to take better pictures than the ones we had taken from inside the car, and that’s when we noticed the bull. After I snapped the picture, the ranger quickly came and told us to get back into the vehicle and move quickly because the bull in the picture was about to charge us. It did begin to come towards us. So, of course, we immediately obeyed and got back into the vehicle and pressed on the gas pedal, swiftly getting to safety out of the bull’s sight.

The bull reminded me of a twofold message. First, it made me think of the principal, who is the symbol of power and authority in the school. Also, if you look closely, the bull is not behind a fence; it is behind a slim tree. This represents a barrier; not complete, but a barrier nonetheless. This should eliminate option (a). Yes, the Principal was neither happy nor ecstatic, and did not openly lay out the red carpet for us.

Also, the bull means valor and strength. Though the Principal did not welcome us with a red carpet, the bull reminds me not to give up and to keep my strength to persevere with valor.

I left his office that afternoon a bit sad and unhappy. And I did not hear from him for several weeks.

Now, I will leave you to decide if the answer is (b) or (c).

Let us take the second scenario.

Late in July, I contacted the Principal again and reasoned with him as to why the school should take advantage of this opportunity. I explained to him that CITD has separated $30,000.00 of the YEP grant to be applied to the project. Then, I showed him the book A Treasure Hunt with Otis—Acquiring the Wisdom needed To Navigate the Journey of Life that students in the 9th – 12th grades would be receiving at no charge, courtesy of CITD and the YEP program.

What do you think his response was?

He said:

a.   I love it!

b.   Oh, it is a college level, my students cannot use it. It is above their level of comprehension.

c.   If we have to approve a book, it has to be 5th or 6th grade level language.

As we continued driving through the park, we came across a herd of deer. A couple of them caught my attention. They were playful and lively. They made me recall the symbolism of a deer, which includes such endearing qualities of child-like innocence, charm and love. We find gentleness and softness as well as creativity and humility. We find generosity and the desire to be nurtured and protected.

But when we look at this picture, we noticed that the deer were not paying any attention to us. They were in their own sphere and self-indulgent. They were not looking outwardly. This picture of the deer playing brought to mind that the Principal was also inward looking. Thus, you could say that option (a) could easily be eliminated. The Principal did not exclaim: I love it!

After meeting with the Principal that afternoon in late July, I left his office, again with no commitment to accept the project. Once more, I felt disappointed and dejected.

Based on the above, what do you think the answer was to the second meeting? Is it (b)? Or is it (c)?

Let us take the third scenario.

A couple of weeks later, I met with the Principal and the Chairs of the Departments of English, History, Math, etc., so that they could assess the program. The meeting was cordial. I presented the proposal and showed the copy of the book A Treasure Hunt with Otis—Acquiring the Wisdom Needed to Navigate the Journey of Life. 

What do you think the Chairs of the departments said?

a.   This is wonderful! Our students will benefit.

b.   Oh, no! why did you choose our school. This program will not work! Our students will not benefit.

c.   Your materials are for higher levels.

As we continued our safari, in one corner of the park we found a troop of monkeys. When you look at this monkey’s picture, you might see an inquisitive monkey, a monkey who is observing and ready to act. Throughout history people attached meaning to the monkey. Some say the monkey symbolizes intelligence and seriousness. Others say it symbolizes curiosity, understanding, and authority. To some, a monkey is mischievous with an untamed nature.

However, it seemed hopeful thinking to apply those qualities to my meeting. I did not get any answer at all at that meeting, leaving me to wonder if the Chairs were inquisitive, observant, ready to act. With that in mind, you could eliminate option (a). That leaves (b) or (c).

Let us take the fourth scenario.

Finally, one day in early September, I got a very intriguing phone call from the Principal. He said: “Eddy, I just got a couple of teachers that volunteered to bring your program. Give them a call!” It was so exciting, so exhilarating, to receive this news! Immediately, I called the teachers.

What do you think they said?

a.  The Principal talked to us about your program and you are welcome to come.

b.  You can come and present once. If our students like you, you can come again.

c.  We look forward to bringing this program to benefit our students. They really need this program!

Here is another picture of a deer from the same herd. When we look at this particular deer, however, we see that it is not inwardly self-indulgent, but rather is observing and contemplating. It is vigilant and watchful, and thus not easily trusting. When applying the picture to our scenario, it again eliminates option (a), as the teachers were watchful and skeptical. They did not immediately buy into the program. Again, this leaves option (b) or (c).

A deer brings to mind that gentle deer bring harm to no one.

Please share your answers.

Indeed, as Andrew Gibson commented on LinkedIn on my post of the collage of pictures: “The feeling…is one of awe and disappointment.” The journey of the ATOMIC Model Passport to Success (AMPS) has gone through many cycles of magical feelings and deep disappointments. Yet, the journey continues until its purpose is finally achieved. And with everyone’s help and support, the journey will reach its destination.

I hope you have enjoyed this side trip! Keep on the journey with me!

Until next time, I bid you peace and harmony!

Stay tuned! The Opening Act is next.

Eddy—Master OTIS

Kathleen N.

Substitute Teacher at Pylusd

5 年

Love this chapter!

Rosalie S.

Editor In Chief at ER$ Consulting Services

6 年

Illustrations such as these provide awesome illustrations that cause us to think about things. Good job!

Eddy Sumar

Founder & President of ERS Consulting Services, Author, Keynote Speaker, Presenter, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach

6 年

This is the Appendix, a side trip, to chapter five. Please share your answers. All the pictures were taken at Mosi-O-Tunya National Park in Zambia.


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