The Journey to Atlanta
We represent more than 5,400 aging services providers that support older adults wherever they call home.
When I reflect on what attending the Leading Age Annual Meeting + EXPO has meant to me the answer is simple: It gives me strength for the journey.
Each year, I formulate an agenda in my mind: What are the new ideas I want to encounter? What leadership skills can I hone? Where is the aging services field headed? Who are the people it is important for me to meet? And every year my cup runs over with inspiration and insight that helps me be more effective.
We also make the Leading Age Annual Meeting a priority for our leadership team. We travel together and spend time getting to know each other in a setting away from our day-to-day routines. It is a powerful team building experience. This year, in light of COVID restrictions, we will be doing a Sunday morning walk around the 9 sites that make up the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park.
I happen to be a runner, so plotting the course for runs in the Annual Meeting city is a fun part of the experience, too. In Boston, several of us ran the last 5k of the Boston Marathon. In Philly, we ran past the statue of Rocky and then over to New Jersey and back. In San Diego, we accidentally ran into a restricted area where the Navy Seals were training! These memorable experiences are all part of the Annual Meeting and I’m already imagining where my feet will take me in Atlanta next month.
I want to “run the race” with perseverance and I want to finish well. The LeadingAge Annual Meeting + EXPO gives me strength for the journey and I’m eager to connect with old and new friends in-person this year. I hope to see you there, too
Editor’s Note: LeadingAge invited members to share their perspective on taking the first step to move forward as a community at the the 2021 Annual Meeting + EXPO on October 24-27. This the first in-person event LeadingAge is hosting in more than 18 months and we’re counting on you to be there with us. Join thousands of your peers to learn, share, grow, and move forward. Together. For more info, visit the 2021 Annual Meeting + EXPO website.