Journalists: How do you think about the future?
We at the Future Today Institute have launched a new, international survey to better understand how those of you working within journalism think about the future. We want to learn how frequently journalists and those within leadership positions think 5, 10, 20, 30+ years into the future––and how often they engage futures thinking. We also want to gauge how directly futures thinking correlates with the current business models, newsroom projects, investments in talent and cross-industry partnerships.
The results of this survey will be shared at the Online News Association conference this fall. We will make a full report available to the public as well.
The more people working within news organizations who are able to participate in the survey the better. We invite those of you who are currently or were very recently working in professional news organizations (full time, part time or paid consultants) to participate in the survey. We want to hear from journalists, those working on the business side of journalism, and those working in technical positions. It will only take 10 minutes of your time.
Take the Journalism Futures survey here.
Deadline for responses is August 30 at 5pm Eastern.