Journalism.Academy Newsletter V
CMR Nepal Journalism Academy
An initiative of CMR-Nepal to provide training to mid-career journalists to digitally transform journalism.
Welcome to May 2023 edition of the our monthly newsletter.
2. Data Journalism Course concludes: The first course on Data Driven Journalism concluded April 11, 2023. Eleven journalists from various media houses of Nepal completed the 6+6+6 format training (if you want to know more about our 6+6+6 training structure, go here) while a participant from the group will complete it with second batch. We are all set to bring second batch of Data Driven Journalism later this month.
In other news
On April 11, 2023, CMR-Nepal organized an academic discourse titled “Media Law Reform in Nepal” in Kathmandu with the aim of providing recommendations to the Mass Communication Sector Suggestion Reform Committee, responsible for reviewing new media laws in Nepal. More info here.
Our Operations Director Bikash Karki and trainer Shruti Shrestha were chief judge and jury member respectively for the 3rd Nepalgunj Photo Festival held on April 21-22, 2023 in Nepalgunj, Lumbini Province. 115 photos were exhibited during the festival where winners in 8 categories were awarded.
Our trainer Nasana Bajracharya conducted one-day mobile journalism training to 22 journalists at Dhulikhel, Kavre organized by FONIJ (Federation of Nepalese Indigenous Journalists) on April 8, 2023.
Our trainers Ujjwal Acharya and?Umesh Shrestha?conducted a five-day data journalism training to 22 journalists organized by the Office of the Communication Registrar, Bagmati Province in Dhulikhel, Kavre from April 25-29, 2023.
CMR Nepal Journalism Academy is a joint initiative of CMR-Nepal and?Interlink Academy, Germany?supported by Germany's Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. Please follow us on?Facebook?and?Twitter?for updates.