Journal W3&4 - Spread like Philadelphia on a toast
So here we go again. Only two weeks after I started this personal challenge with journaling and I already skipped a week. Story of my life. In my defence, as if I needed any, I've done a shitload of things over the past few days and there was simply no moment left for my writing.
In a less defensive and more realistic way, I still struggle to prioritize revenue non-generating or self-care activities and my writing here is clearly both.
So many huge and crazy things happened over the past two weeks that I don't even know where to start.
I got the final edited gallery from the CEO retreat and oh my gosh, the images are stunning. What a memory!!
Want a little taste? See for yourself...
We sold a car and then struggled to buy a new one. We got it just 3 days before a planned trip to the mountains. Talk about stress, lol.
Let's just say that some (big) dealerships in Switzerland behave like real as*holes and sell the car to someone else, even though you tell them you want it and you have an appointment to see and pay a deposit. It happened to us twice!
This made me discover the impact Covid has on the car industry. It also made me realize how dependent I am on the car, even though I always liked to think that I don't really need it in my day to day life.
The Program is out. Sort of.
Business-wise I kicked myself to my own butt and announced an official launch of my program. A program that is perfectly ready in my head for nearly a year, quite ready on a paper but not really ready technically.
The good news is that with only a few mentions and posts on Instagram I have applications flooding in and one person already in!
The less good news is that the announced start on 22nd of November comes in 3 weeks and I have still about 30 videos to record. Haha, who likes challenges?
While setting up the platform (Kartra) I needed to create a visual identity for both the program and my business and thanks to all the internet God's that Canva exists. It took me about 20 minutes to get these beauties and I am very happy about the results:
Introducing the Thrive Business Accelerator program:
and the new logo for my business:
But it is extremely hard to keep momentum when you are constantly interrupted by external circumstances. It's either summer holidays, kids sick or now autumn holidays... It feels like every time I get into a rhythm and progress, it gets interrupted. And it drives me crazy.
We left for 5 days to the mountains with friends and their kids and as amazing as it was, it made me sad and upset about losing the pace I had.
You can say whatever you want but running a business and next to a family and small kids at the same time is super challenging and complex and no amount of planning, prioritizing or journaling will save you. It all comes down to the support and processes you have in place.
I also had a major breakthrough in my personal development coaching. A month ago I made a second major investment this year and hired an energetics coach. Yes, it's totally a woo woo stuff but let me tell you this s* is crazy and is real.
I know I have so much baggage to deal with, childhood traumas and oh so many beliefs, that are not even mine but that were passed on me and I accepted.
For a long I tried to deal with it all, consciously and focused but coming this year and especially with the Thrive program I am launching I realized that there is only so much that I can fix myself and consciously. And if I did not manage to do so until now, I won't be able to do it by myself.
I have entered the energetics coaching with an open mind and decided to trust fully the process and my coach. So far I had 3 sessions and my mind was blown in each one of them. During the last one, I had a flashback to my childhood. A specific school situation that I never remembered as particularly traumatizing, yet a week ago I realized how huge impact it had on me. How me never willing to ask for help is linked to that experience. How me ignoring my basic needs and driving myself to burnouts (yes plural) is rooted in a belief I have created when I was 8 years old.
During the first session, I relived a situation that I experienced as 2 years old! The memory was so incredibly clear, yet I have never ever remembered it until now. A situation where I created beliefs linked to the importance of my success and the need to always overperform.
Needless to say that these sessions are intense as hell and I had to re-organize my entire agenda because I simply can't take any clients Thursday afternoon.
I have still 3 months to go and can't wait to see where this brings me.
Next week is booked with calls and the rest of my agenda is cleared out for the creation of the modules. In one day I managed to find a babysitter to help me out on Tuesdays and Wednesdays with the school pick-ups and activities drop-offs. It was super naive of me to think that I can handle it all and be 100% present on all fronts.
What I am celebrating today though is 3 new and absolutely gorgeous big leafy plants in my living room, Sheheresade, Rosaline and Yousoufa... they make the place so cosy and peaceful <3
That I got over myself and allowed my kids to dress up for Halloween and go trick or treating which made them so happy and appreciative. I admit Halloween is something I am not a fan of and it was a hard no in our household until this year.
That I finally had my family on the phone for over an hour after nearly two weeks and it was so nice to catch up. I'm feeling homesick a bit and a crazy thought of hopping on the plane and visiting them, having lunch or dinner together, crosses my mind here and there. Given it is 10 hours door to door trip it could be tricky.
Looking forward to this upcoming week, it shall be a great one...
It starts tomorrow with a bi-weekly call with the ladies from the accountability group. Review of October and goal settings for November.
Also, tomorrow is our engagement anniversary (13th!), let's see if my husband remembers or if he reads this post and gets a bottle of bubbles?