Journal of discoveries #07
Roberto Ferraro
Grow and learn with me: personal development, leadership, innovation. I am a project leader, coach, and visual creator, and I share all I learn through my posts and newsletter.
Welcome to the 7th issue of the newsletter, “Journal of discoveries.” Each week, I check a curated list of hundreds of sources of inspiration to spot interesting articles, videos, podcasts, and books on personal development, leadership, management, technology, and innovation.
If you just subscribed to this newsletter, I encourage you to take the time to send me a few lines and introduce yourself; I would love to understand who is finding this newsletter useful and why.
Here is a selection of what grabbed my attention this week.
Personal development
Against 3x speed reading. PWC hopes and fears survey. How to ask for feedback from an interviewer. Why advertising will never die. The benefits of optimism are real.
A classic: software is eating the world. Startups in distress – we’ve seen this movie before. The smallest viable audience. James Dyson created 5,127 versions of a product that failed before finally succeeding. Tech leaders can do more to avoid unintended consequences. AI’s trolley problem can lead us to surprising conclusions. Introducing writing NFTs. The good times in silicon valley come crashing to a halt.
Leadership and management
Switching jobs? Here’s how to make sure you won’t regret it. Why remote workers are at risk of getting axed first in tech downturn. At tech companies, the rebellion against the return to the office is getting serious. Emotions in the workplace. Helping teams face down uncertainty, burnout, and perfectionism. How a new age of surveillance is changing work. Hybrid work can backfire. How to build a culture that honors quiet time.
Ths Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
Twitter lists
Here are the Twitter lists from which I get most of the ideas and inspirations. Please note that the categorization is, of course, quite subjective.