Joshua wishes everyone could learn peace
Carole St. Laurent
Rotary Peace Fellow. Peace Educator. Digital Storyteller. Songwriter. Dreamer.
Today, I had a meeting with Joshua Oyergiu, our peace partner in Uganda, to plan how to expand our peace education program in 2025. When Joshua started sharing from his heart how relevant CryPeace's peace curriculum is to his students, and how?he wished that everyone, young and old alike, had the opportunity to learn how to nurture more peaceful relationships, I asked if I could share his message with you. I know that it will encourage you, especially as we pray for peace to grow around the world.
Joshua and I started our first CryPeace class in his village, Biiso, Uganda, in March 2024. Since then, approximately 30 children have met weekly to learn practical peacebuilding skills and share a nutritious snack. The children love the program, and Joshua is seeing its impact. I'll let him share his experience with you in his own words:
Our dream is that all children in Uganda will learn how to live in peace. We are slowly making our dream come true, one child at a time. Joshua is eager to start more classes and train local teachers to teach peace at their schools, so that more and more children will grow up with the attitudes and aptitudes of peacebuilders. We can't think of a more cost-effective, high-impact way to ensure that Uganda's future is more peaceful.
We invite you to join us on the path to peace by contributing your treasure, time or talent. Your one-time or monthly donation will help peacebuilders like Joshua train more children. As we grow, so do the opportunities to contribute to online coordination, and we would love educators to start peace classes in your own contexts. As the African saying goes, it takes a village to raise a the path of peace.
My name is Carole, and I'm your sister.