Copyright Joseph Firmage 2001-2021




A quarter century ago, I was building and leading the world’s largest Internet engineering and digital design firm, creating with our clients the first generation of the on-demand economy now powering modern civilization. 

At that time, I could in a sense see through the eyes of thousands of expert employees spanning ten nations, and observe the challenges facing the world’s largest companies and institutions and how they were attempting to evolve, transform and pioneer the future of the global economy.

I could also see that some of the greatest challenges facing the world could not be met within the constraints of technologies we use to propel and power our cars, planes, trains….’everything infrastructure’ from tools to factories, from homes to spacecraft.

So, I was continuously considering the range of possibilities for breakthroughs in a discipline of science familiar to me from my academic studies a decade earlier, a field at the core of all others: physics. 

Today, human society is thoroughly dependent upon knowledge of physics for uncountable aspects of daily life. Knowledge of physics feeds us, clothes us, moves us about in land, sea, and airborne vehicles, powers our homes, cools us when hot and warms us when cold, and equips us with wondrous tools for computation, commerce, education, entertainment and communications. In view of the reliance of science and society on the learnings of physics, the non-physicist might presume that the most fundamental questions in this most fundamental realm of science have been answered in clear terms. This is not so. While some physicists believe that what remains to be discovered is but a ribbon capable of tying together existing theories, other physicists have deeper and more complete solutions at hand, now.

The two great theories of modern physics – quantum mechanics, which describes the small-scale workings of matter – and general relativity, which describes the large-scale motions of matter – are widely acknowledged by physicists to be in serious conflict with each other. As the prolific theoretical physicist Brian Greene points out, “The two theories underlying the tremendous progress of physics during the last hundred years… are mutually incompatible. If you have not heard previously about this ferocious antagonism you may be wondering why. The answer is not hard to come by. In all but the most extreme situations, physicists study things that are either small and light (like atoms and their constituents) or things that are huge and heavy (like stars and galaxies), but not both. This means that they need use only quantum mechanics or general relativity and can, with a furtive glance, shrug off the barking admonitions of the other. For fifty years this approach has not quite been as blissful as ignorance, but it has been pretty close.”

Despite epic strides in physics achieved in the past century, fundamental questions remain unanswered – questions that stretch back to the origins of science and religion, questions that involve our deepest concepts of reality. The state of exploration of these questions deserves popular illumination, for the implications of possible answers are hard to overstate. 

Imagine that a startlingly profound set of discoveries may spring out of answers to these questions. If these discoveries continue to unfold in the direction firmly taken by our research and complementary efforts currently underway around the world, revealing that the “vacuum of space” is in fact an intense medium of energy, long-held assumptions regarding the limits of the technologies central to the infrastructure of civilization – the energy that powers all machines and the propulsion systems that enable us to move – will be swept away, and an astonishing array of ultra-efficient energy and transportation machines will begin to emerge. 

Back in 1998 I stepped aside from leading USWeb/CKS not to focus on something less important, but rather more important, fully knowing that it would bring some painful controversy to my life and to some around me, but among the reasons that gave me enduring confidence is that I had become extremely familiar with the “UFO” phenomena. Having both a strong grasp of nuclear physics and a very long and respected relationship with select Departments, Services and Agencies of the U.S. Government, I knew that a great deal of activity and evidence has been held from the public regarding what has been going on above our heads for much longer than the most recent and first 100 years of human flight. The reasons for the withholding of information are both complex and simple, and remain important to discuss in this forum, as the resolution of the reasons involve the assurance of primary leadership of the technological revolutions ahead by the responsible democracies in the world, not by autocratic regimes subject to corruption by excessive greed and dangerous misuse of great power.

Friends, I trust you have been watching the progression of recent presentations across the media regarding the fascinating fraction of sophisticated observations of intelligently controlled craft that simply defy all explanations except one: the subset of observed craft which can move between mediums like space, air and water, alter directions with sudden accelerations that would not only turn biology into thin salsa instantly but easily crush any metal, can only be explained through their ability to establish artificial gravity within the envelope of the entire craft.

That requires exactly the class of New Physics required for new engines and new energy sources to propel and power the infrastructure of a New Renaissance for all life on our planet.

This historic process of Disclosure is not itself going to mean that there will be an abrupt transformation of anything…except for bringing a stunning new reality to the hopes of billions of human beings longing for a *real* strategy to believe in, a set of extremely large, multi-decadal efforts to start building the Post-Pandemic New World, consciously aiming for some truly breathtaking visions of 21st century society. 

Visions that can commence *this year*, worldwide. 

I will be sharing many of those visions in a series of books, events and a global speaking tour commencing next month, with the publication of the first three volumes in my series called ‘The New Renaissance Emerges’.

You can download the original edition of the result of my and other top investigators’ worldwide research, involving several million dollars, a half-dozen top scientists and field researchers, forensic examiners and a half-dozen very serious and some secret conferences in the United States and Europe that I conducted over the past 23 years.

Humanity is already facing the most intense period of evolution in the history of civilization. Such new categories of tools will be as profoundly transformative to 21st century civilization as fire was to ancient man: noninvasive fields capable of eliminating harmful bacteria and viruses by targeting their electromagnetic geometries; nonpolluting energy generators with a new purpose for the grid – storage and availability; unlimited pure water from the ocean; silent, hovering vehicles that make congested freeways a stress of the past; and perhaps most compelling of all, spaceships the size of small cities that can carry us to the stars. 

Fundamentally, the transformation we will face in coming years, rising from newly clear comprehension of the physics of our Nature, will include deeply profound insights into such questions as the existence and presence of other intelligent life in the Universe, the history of the Universe itself, and our future within it.

Now, after two decades since commencing this journey, it is with great pleasure and honor that I have had the privilege of not only knowing a great deal about UFO phenomena, but to have funded and led teams that have made profound discoveries and engineered early designs of propellantless propulsion engines and ultra-clean electricity generators, this year entering a pivotal stage of testing for innumerable commercial and governmental needs worldwide.

I hope you enjoy the in-process preview of, and keep track at of the Science of Star Trek coming to a very real Academy near you, through your tablet, very soon.

My next public presentation is coming on July 4th, 2021, titled Dimensions of Contact.


[email protected]




Gabriela Perez

Sales Manager at Otter Public Relations

4 个月

Great share, Joseph!



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