Jacques Wiesel
Motivational Keynote Speaker | Business Coach | Author | Holocaust Survivor | All Invites Welcome | No IDK's
If you really want to totally beat the drug scene, while maintaining the all-elusive Peace of Mind, you need go no further than the Shepherd’s Song, BALIERO, performed by one of the many world-class coloratura sopranos. I believe it is the greatest PIECE OF MUSIC EVER WRITTEN. I found many dozens of renditions of this masterpiece, and it never fails to totally shut down my turbulent thoughts while I swim in a river of celestial notes.
I’m listening to it as I write this; also, mornings and/or evenings. He was the master of orchestrated folk songs; his best works described the landscape of his native region. He lived from 1879 to 1957; his music lives forever.
TRY IT…YOU’LL LOVE IT! You’ll find your need for the medical “miracles” drugs will diminish as you surround yourself with these songs.