The Jordan Peterson Effect
Dino Ermogenous
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Jordan Peterson, the highly acclaimed and very much maligned clinical psychologist has become the unofficial leader of most men.
Whether you love him or hate him, it’s almost impossible to scroll through social media and NOT see something he’s said (or been accused of saying). . .
Although he’s constantly criticised by the mainstream media, you’ll find it hard to find something the media can actually attack him for.
I recently read something he said, and this quote is stuck in my mind:
"Contemplate the price you pay for inaction. You're already in a little hell, you know perfectly well it's going to get worse. The thing about inaction is that you're blind to it, do not make the assumption that inaction has no price." - Jordan Peterson.
Losing weight in an attempt at transforming your body into a more sculpted physique—no matter your reason—you prime yourself mentally for the journey you’re about to take. Telling yourself how successful you may or may not be.
You’re sat in hell, of your own creation.
Telling yourself stories about what’s going to happen—based on your previous experiences—these stories define how successful you think your next weight loss attempt will be.
If your previous attempts at losing weight have been littered with low calorie fad diets like Slimming World, Weight Watchers or meal replacement shakes, you might find yourself stagnant.
Paralysed in a state waiting for your next “diet” to start. . .
In this time of waiting, you’re building up the mental stories of your impending success or failure.
It’s at this point where you truly fail in your latest attempt.
To really lose weight for good, reframe how you're looking at it.
First off, stop trying to “lose weight”.
Losing weight is what the majority of the population attempt a couple of times a year.
You’re not like everyone else.?
You didn’t get to where you are in life by looking at things the same way everyone else does.
You’re about to embark on a transformation. . .
Of body AND mind.
When you realise you’re not on a diet, and you’re transforming your body, you begin to understand your results won’t happen overnight.
You’re not going to see results in a couple of days. . .
And that’s okay. Because transformations take time.
When you give your transformation the proper time it needs, the results you and everyone else around you see will be jaw dropping.
Imagine how you would look and feel when you’ve dropped 30 lbs.
Picture yourself running around in the garden with your kids. No longer stopping every few seconds to catch your breath..
Imagine what the guys at girls at the office would say to you.
And can you imagine what your wife would be like by the time you head upstairs to bed. She won’t be able to keep her hands off you.
It’s that your inaction is depriving you of looking and feeling.
Delaying actions until later will only add to your stress. Now, over this period of time, it's important to get a head start...
If you keep putting it off, you may feel like you're facing a much larger challenge than you initially thought.
Resist the temptation to put off your dream transformation. . .
It’s only you you’re hurting.
When you’re ready to put your hopes and dreams first, drop me a message. and let's talk.