The Jolly Roger's Retirement Fund
What is the return on investment for working at five dollars per hour? I make a lot more now. As I take walks in different areas- it seems like there is change everywhere. Walk through a poor neighborhood, even one featuring panhandlers, and there are pennies all over the place.
This is The Trickle Down Theory. Are you going to wait for billionaires to spend more with lowered taxes or are you going to pick up currency that is in front of you? Every little bit helps.
A bad job jumped the shark when I received a good performance review. What's wrong with that? They said I worked well enough to receive a thirty-six cents per hour raise. Very well.
Since I started in July they cut that in half. I asked if it were "Anti rated." It was prorated. The company saved seven dollars and twenty cents per week. That showed me what they thought of me and the position eventually dead ended as a black hole on my resume.
In between the moment when everything soured and the position's euthanasia I noticed a lot of pennies around the office. As cheap as they were; I took them. As I rode my bicycle to the gym I would pick up cans for recycling. That led to a little money when they were redeemed and I seemed to find many coins on the street as well.
It wasn't enough to sustain me. It was a habit that gave me a long term goal. As long as it took to fill rolls of coins that could be deposited in the bank. Pennies have value. Not very much. Every little bit helps. It is not exactly a "Stream of income." It is definitely a trickle and that's better than nothing.
Also, "See a penny pick it up. All day long you will have good luck". If life were that simple I would have lucky days every day. I net more than gamblers. If people don't take their change from Coinstar machines- I do.
There is usually a scratch off lottery station next to Coinstar machines at the supermarket. The ones who fantasize about hitting the lottery could pick up pennies or dimes and not spend so much on losing tickets.
The joke in retail was when a penny or quarter was found it went to the "Jolly Roger's Retirement Fund." Chances are it went to a Big Gulp or store merchandise. At least on that job it felt like we had a future.
The habits when you make a little benefit you when you make more money. You have to live within your means. Historically speaking: when I made five dollars per hour, minimum wage was $3.35 and working in drugstores paid four dollars per hour. It wasn't great. It also wasn't that bad.
When I wanted to get ahead I took on a higher paying position. Somehow I get by when a paycheck- regardless of size- is consistent. Found money- there was nothing to lose and coins to gain.
In the short run, finding three cents doesn't mean much. Do that every day and you will have something to show for it. Ten dollars or so. It is money you can spend and enjoy. A penny saved is a penny earned.