The Joli Reading Program
I was wondering today why the Joli Reading Program is so successful compared to general reading books.
I looked back at the program and remembered why it was written initially.
It was because there was no suitable reading material for the students in our classes. We wanted our students to learn to read and understand right from the beginning of their school life.
We very carefully selected the words we would introduce using the Salisbury Word List, Dolch and the 200 Hundred most commonly used words. We then created a text using the words with some easy nouns.
That was the beginning of the program.
Why was it successful?
We used many of those words daily, gradually introducing more but continuing to reinforce all the words in an easy fun text that appealed to children.
From that beginning the program grew to 3 series with 10 levels. Children learnt to read quickly and easily, making rapid progress throughout the year they were in our classes.
Other teachers began asking how our students were so good at reading and comprehending what they read. They began telling other teachers and the word was spread to other schools.
The Joli Reading Program is still available, is a wonderful resource for teaching literacy and is Australian for our own students. You can even try it without buying. What do you have to lose?