Joli Reading Program
Hi everyone,
I've been out of the country for a few weeks but am now back and ready to go again.
The Joli Reading Program is continuing to sell well in schools around Australia. We have also had some interest from other countries too, which is really good.
I am continuing with writing the program. I'm currently working on level 9 of the Blue Series which is based on a journal of travel around the world. This level of the program will incorporate literacy, technology and math. It would also fit well with other curriculum areas.
I am also working on adult literacy for illiterate adults and migrants with poor English skills. I am currently working on the first level and trialing it with students who I am working with. It is proving to be very successful, but it is early days yet. I will keep you posted.
In the meantime check out the program on There are free samples to try and I am happy to discuss your schools needs if you are interested.