Joker : Folie  'a Deux ****

Joker : Folie 'a Deux ****

Starring : Joaquin Phoenix, Lady Gaga, Brendan Gleeson, Zazie Beetz, Harry Lawtey, Ken Leung and Catherine Keener

Director : Todd Phillips

Duration Running Time : (approx) 2 Hours 18 Minutes. (138 Mins)

Certification Rating Certificate : 15

Distribution : Warner Bros Pictures (A Warner Media Company), Domain Entertainment, DC Studios, Joint Effort


The portrayal of 'MENTAL ILLNESS' and also its 'UNIQUE TREATMENT' in films, has in fact, evolved significantly over the years, by simply reflecting 'BROADER SOCIETAL ATTITUDES' and also the unique 'UNDERSTANDING' regarding the subject of 'MENTAL HEALTH.


In the early twentieth century, 'MENTAL ILLNESS' in question, - was in fact -often 'DEPICTED' in a 'SENSATIONALIZED' and also a 'STIGMATIZING' manner. Films like 'DR. MABUSE : THE GAMBLER' (1922), directed by Fritz Lang, and based on 'THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER' by Norbert Jacques, a novelist, journalist, screenwriter, and also an original translator who wrote in German, and also 'THE BLACK CAT' (1934), - this was an American 'PRE-CODE' horror-film - that was directed by Edgar G. Ulmer, and featured Boris Karloff, (aka William Henry Pratt - his real name), and also Bela Lugosi, (aka Bela Ferenc Deszo Blasco - his real name) and based on the novel by Edgar Allan Poe, the film in question, was released by 'UNIVERSAL PICTURES' - and was also classed as not only - ''THE BIGGEST BOX OFFICE HIT OF 1934' - but also - 'THE FIRST OF ONLY EIGHT FILMS' ('SIX OF WHICH WERE PRODUCED BY UNIVERSAL') to feature both Karloff and also Lugosi - as well, the synopsis of this were simply portrayed as 'mentally ill characters' as also 'dangerous' and 'villainous', but also that these 'portrayals' in question, had in fact reinforced as 'negative stereotypes' - and had also contributed in question, as simply contributed to the stigma surrounding 'mental health'.


The mid twentieth century, had also seen 'a unique shift' toward nuanced portrayals, - though many of the films featured had in fact still leaned towards sensationalism, and here are just 'TWO EXAMPLES' of subjects of mental illness :

'PSYCHO' (1960), directed by Alfred Hitchcock, features Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates, is regarded as 'a complex character' whose unique 'MENTAL ILLNESS' in question, are central to the film's plot-line story. The character of Norman Bates, is 'depicted' as suffering from 'DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER' ['DID'], previously known as 'MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER'. This unique condition, in question, is also characterised by the presence of at least 'TWO OR MORE DISTINCT PERSONALITY STATES'.


A : 'TRAUMA AND ABUSE' - Norman's mental illness is rooted in 'severe emotional abuse' by Norma Bates, his mother. She instilled him a deep-seated fear of women and also sexuality.

B : 'SPLIT PERSONALITY' - After murdering his mother and also Marion Crane (Janet Leigh), his lover - out of unique 'jealousy' - Norman's 'psyche fractures' - creating as an - 'alternate personality - ''MOTHER'', - 'who by the way simply takes over his consciousness' at times.

C : 'HALLUCINATIONS AND DELUSIONS' - Norman keeps 'his mother's corpse' - and also - 'INTERACTS WITH IT' - as if she was 'ALIVE'. He also 'dresses' as her - and 'speaks' in her voice, thus believing that she is 'controlling' his actions - just think of it as Roger De Courcey, a famous ventriloquist - performing 'his unique act' on stage to families with young children - with his 'all-time buddy'- 'MATRON' ! - notably - 'NOOKIE' - THE BEAR - (also other ventriloquist performers in all kind of unique positions are also available).

Anyway, these elements in question - also combine to create 'a unique chilling portrayal of mental illness', thought that it is also important to note that the film's depiction in question - is also dramatised for horror and suspense, plus the unique character of Norman Bates, in question, has in fact also become an 'ICONIC REPRESENTATION' of 'PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR' in cinema.

'ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST' (1975), directed by Milos Foreman, a Czech film director, and also based on the novel by Ken Kesey - originally published in 1962, is classed as a 'seminal' film by portraying the unique subject of 'mental illness' and also set inside a 'psychiatric institution'. The story in question, is set in a mental hospital and follows Randle Patrick McMurphy (Jack Nicholson), who 'feigns' insanity to avoid prison labor, and also ends up 'challenging the oppressive regime' of Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher)


A : INTERNATIONAL CRITIQUE - The film in question, also critiques the 'dehumanising' and also 'authoritarian' nature of 'PSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTIONS'. The character of Nurse Ratched, also represents the 'oppressive system' that simply 'prioritizes' control over 'patient care'.

B : MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENTS - The film in question, depicts controversial treatments such as 'electroconvulsive therapy' ['ECT'] and also 'lobotomy', highlighting the often 'brutal methods' used in psychiatric care during the mid-twentieth century.

C : PATIENT ENPOWERMENT - The unique character of McMurphy's 'rebellious spirit' also inspires other patients involved to 'assert their individuality' and also to 'resist the oppressive enviroment' . This 'THEME' also 'underscores' the main importance of 'personal agency' and also the 'detrimental effects' of 'institutionalisation'.


'THE DEINSITUTIONALISATION MOVEMENT' - The 'ORIGINAL NOVEL' and also the 'FILM' had emerged during the time when the 'deinstitutionalisation' movement was gaining momentum. The movement in question was originally aimed to 'reduce the population' of 'mental hospitals' and also 'integrate' the 'patients' into 'community-based' care.

'KEN KESEY'S ORIGINAL EXPERIENCE' - Kesey's 'original work' as an 'orderly' that's situated inside 'a mental health facility' - and also his unique 'participation' in 'drug trials' - had influenced his unique portrayal of the 'psychiatric system'.

Kenneth Elton Kesey, born September 17, 1935, had originally burst into the literacy scene with 'ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST' back in 1962, and in which that he wrote about his own experiences working at a veteran's hospital. During this period, he also volunteered for the testing of the drug known as 'LSD'. After writing 'SOMETIMES A GREAT NOTION' his 'second' novel - he'd bought an old-school bus dubbed as ''FURTHER. With Neal Cassidy at the wheel and also pitchers of LSD-laced-Kool-Laid in the cooler,Kesey and a band of friends who simply called themselves as 'THE MERRY PRANKSTERS' took a unique trip across America to New York's 'WORLD FAIR'. However, it would be another twenty-eight years until Kesey had published 'SAILOR'S SONG' his third major novel in 1992, and also that he later said that her had lost interest in the novel as a unique art form after he discovered 'the magic of the bus'. The 'bus ride' in question, was 'immortalised' in Tom Wolfe's 1968 account and also entitled as 'THE ELECTRIC KOOL-AID ACID TEST'. The movie version of 'ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST' (1975), had swept the board in 1976, winning prizes for 'BEST ACTOR' -Jack Nicholson, 'BEST ACTRESS' - Louise Fletcher, 'BEST DIRECTOR' - Milos Forman, and also 'BEST PICTURE' - Michael Douglas and Saul Zaentz. But also that Kesey, who by the way 'HAD NEVER SEEN THE FILM' also 'SUED - THE PRODUCERS' -because that it simply took the viewpoint away from the character of Chief Bromden , the schizophrenic American Indian [Will Sampson]. Kesey was also diagnosed with diabetes in 1992, and had set down root in Pleasant Hill, in the mid 1960's after serving at least 'FOUR MONTHS' in jail - for a marijuana bust in California. His rambling 'red barn-house' in question, has become 'a unique landmark' of the psychedelic era, attracting visits from myriad strangers in tie-dyed clothing seeking enlightenment. Kesey 'passed away' on November 10, 2001, leaving a wife and also four children.


'ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST' has had a lasting impact on public perceptions of mental health care. It simply had brought the attention to the need for reforms in psychiatric institutions and also had sparked 'the many discussions' throughout involving 'patient's rights' and 'humane treatment'. However, it also perpetuated some unique negative stereotypes about the subject involving of the unique critique and also the main analysis over the years.

And then there are other movies that also deal with this subject - such as 'A BEAUTIFUL MIND' (2001), directed by Ron Howard, and also 'SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK' (2012), directed by David O.Russell, that have been praised for their more realistic and also compassionate depictions of mental illness. However, the industry, in question, still struggles with 'balancing' - entertainment - as well as - the accurate information.


In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the impact of media portrayals on public perceptions on mental health. Efforts are also being made to depict 'mental illness' more responsibly and also accurately. One example of this is the film 'MAD TO BE NORMAL' (2017), directed by Robert Mullan, and also explores the life of RD Laing (David Tennant), a Scottish psychiatrist and his unconventional approach methods to mental health treatment.


Despite progresses, there are simply many challenges that remain. Negative stereotypes and also sensationalism that still appear in some films, and that which can also perpetuate some harmful myths about mental illness. However, there is still a growing movement within the industry itself and also to create the more informed and also the sensitive portrayals throughout by simply recognising the unique power of cinema to influence not only the public attitudes but also the understanding throughout.

When 'JOKER' directed by Todd Phillips, and featuring Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck, a failed clown, and also a stand-up comedian whose descent into mental illness and also nihilism inspires a violent countercultural revolution against the wealthy in a decaying Gotham City arrived in 2019, and shown in movie theaters/cinemas throughout - this broke 'many box-office records' world-wide - and for a while became 'THE FIRST-EVER 'R' RATED MOVIE' - until being surpassed by 'DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE' (2024). Now, originally that it was Phillips in question that first conceived the film back in 2016, and also had wrote the script with Joel Silver throughout 2017, two years before 'the birth' of the first movie. But both Phillips and Silver, in question, had in fact were uniquely inspired by the 1970's character studies and also the films of Martin Scorsese, particularly 'TAXI DRIVER' (1976), and also 'THE KING OF COMEDY' (1982), both of which featured Robert De Niro, who ironically also appeared in 'JOKER' as Murray Franklin, a talk-show host, Scorsese, in question was originally attached to the film project as a producer.

This was originally regarded to be a 'stand-alone' film, and Warner Bros had intended it to be launched as 'DC BLACK',a line of 'DC COMICS' based films that were unrelated to the 'DC EXTENDED UNIVERSE' ['DCEU'] that after many negotiations that this in question was also a 'darker movie' throughout, however when Phoenix, had spoken to Phillips stating that he didn't want to leave Arthur behind while also falling asleep but also that they would be willing to make a 'BROADWAY SEQUEL LIVE THEATRE SHOW' at the Carlisle Theatre, but also that when COVID-19, had arrived then their original plans were also scuppered due to the pandemic and it was then that both Phillips and also Silver had began to develop a movie sequel to the original - while still considering to give Phoenix's musical concept - this would also involve enough to give the film in question -so added ingredients such as the audacity and also the complexity of the film including the following like music, dance, drama, courtroom drama, comedy, happiness and also sadness that you would simply find in a traditional love story.

Aware that many young moviegoers may simply not be interested in a formula due to preferring usual comic book films, that Phillips then banked on their ''appetite'' for something that was new and also different to help make the film differentiate itself from 'remakes' and also 'reboots', Phoenix had suggested the idea of teaming Arthur in question - with a ''female JOKER'' - and also which could also serve as 'his dance partner' but 'STRICTLY SPEAKING' this would be classed as a 'KIND OF A PSYCHOTIC TANGO', and which also led both Phillips and also Silver to the idea of introducing 'HARLEY QUINN', a female villain associated with the 'JOKER' in question -and also first introduced in 'BATMAN : THE ANIMATED SERIES' to simply serve that purpose.

The 'FIRST MOVIE' in question, loosely 'ADAPTS THE PLOT ELEMENTS' from 'BATMAN : THE KILLING JOKE' (1988), and also 'THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS' (1986) - but both Phillips and also Silver in question, had otherwise 'DID NOT LOOK TO SPECIFIC COMIC-BOOKS' for inspiration. nor did they wish for it to be simply connected to any prior 'BATMAN' film continuity.

Here what follows is a 'SPOILER ALERT' regarding 'THE FIRST MOVIE' in question : (this is for those who didn't see it)

Arthur, in question, is seen 'pacing the halls of an asylum' covered in blood after killing his therapist. But, prior to this is that he also 'murdered' his mother who, he in question, had also simply discovered was in fact complicit in his 'neglect' as a child, however as it turns out, that it was simply 'one of his former colleagues' who had 'set him up' and also got him 'fired' from his job - not to mention - that also 'THREE EMPLOYEES' from 'WAYNE INDUSTRIES' - { that were originally 'OWNED' by 'BATMAN'S PARENTS' } who also attacked him. But that Arthur in question, had also shot Murray Franklin [De Niro], a talk show host (think of the likes of either Graham Norton, David Mitchell (no not yours truly -but the other one) and even Jonathan Ross ('WOSS') - as real life 'talk-show' hosts) on 'LIVE TV' ! - after Murray in question - had in fact - publicity 'MOCKED' Arthur's 'comedy act - and also that if this scene is familiar - then it probably is as it was used in 'THE KING OF COMEDY' where De Niro portrayed Rupert Pupkin, a struggling 'stand-up comedian' with 'mental health issues' appearing on 'THE LATE SHOW' with Jerry Langford [Jerry Lewis], a late-night talk show host. And also though that 'THE FIRST MOVIE' in question had appeared to show Arthur's 'unique transition' into the Joker - this is the point when 'HE'D STOPPED TAKING HIS MEDICATION' and also begins to 'SIMPLY LASH OUT AT ANYONE' ! - who by the way in the past had been unkind to him - throughout his life, then be surprised for what's about to happen in 'THE SECOND INSTALMENT'.

And now in 2024, there's finally a sequel to the original - entitled as 'JOKER : FOLIE a DEUX' and featuring Joaquin Phoenix who won a 'BEST ACTOR AWARD' for his dynamic performance and once again 'reprises the role' as Arthur Fleck, along with Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn, aka Harley Quinzell, a deeply disturbed psychiatric patient who becomes his love interest.

Now with both Arthur and also Harley who meet inside the prison is that they both develop a unique chemistry between them - they both meet 'INSIDE' the music therapy class that Arthur in question is allowed to attend as a unique reward for good behaviour - while 'on remand' - and simply waiting for 'HIS BIG DAY IN COURT' - to stand trial for his 'FIVE MURDERS' which happened 'two years earlier.

It is then that when both of these are inside the 'joint' - is that they also develop a 'spark' when the whole movie in question finally turns out to be an oppressively, claustrophobically, and also a repetitively becalmed in that oddly unreal ''GOTHAM-UNIVERSE jail with both of these are 'kept apart' for long periods.

The film simply opens with an animated sequence of a 'LOONEY TUNES' cartoon and will therefore 'sets the bar' with what's about to happen with raising 'the safety curtain' on the big screen - involving a unique 'barnstorming' FIRST SECTION by featuring Arthur's prison existence inside - and also 'behind the bars' of a prison cell.

This is simply classed as a unique musical - of sorts - with both Phoenix and also many others throughout warbling through many show tune standards like a classic pristine 1950's/1960's jukebox- that are often known as fantasy set pieces - a little in the way of - shall we say - 'PENNIES FROM HEAVEN' - written by the late Dennis Potter - but also that 'THIS ONE' simply gives it as - 'PLENTY OF STRUCTURE - AND ALSO AN ADDED FLAVOUR' - something which 'THE FIRST MOVIE' - didn't have - because it was very much darker.

The film in question also has a fine supporting cast including Gleeson as Jackie Sullivan, an abusive Irish prison guard located at the hospital and who also breaks into song, Gleeson's performance in this also resembles the unique character of Knuckles McGraw, the prison's short-tempered chef in 'PADDINGTON 2' {2017} and also which Gleeson appeared, but that the scene in question also resembled in 'MCVICAR' {1980}, directed by Tom Clegg and featuring Roger Daltrey as John McVicar, a notorious London criminal known for his armed robberies and also prison escapes - this is the scene where the prisoners in question are watching an old musical movie on tv - now the scene in question is set in Durham prison - and also adds a unique layer of irony and also contrasts to the harsh realities of prison life that is depicted in the film - but also that the movie that they are watching also provides a brief escape from their grim enviroment, by simply highlighting the 'stark' difference between the world 'inside' and also outside the prison walls.

Plus Coogan as Paddy Meyers, a tv interviewer which makes ALAN PARTRIDGE 'his alter-ego' from Norwich very homesick - as he's a long way from home comforts -he interviews Fleck at Arkham Asylum - and that his character in question also serves as a similar role to Murray Franklin [De Niro] from the original film and which also provides as a piviotal role where Arthur's complex psyche is also explored through their interactions - plus the 'interview scene' is not only one of the standout scenes in the film - but also serves as a showcasing intense and also dramatic exchanges between the two in question and is particularly significant as it delves very deeper into Arthur Fleck's mental state and also the unique public's perception of him in question and also provides a unique twist in the film - Lawtey as Harvey Dent the District Attorney - 'DA' - then there's also Leung from 'THE HANGOVER TRILOGY' as Dr Victor Liu, a psychologist, Beetz, reprising her role as Sophie Dumond, a single mother, and also Arthur's former next-door neighbour and also Keener, as Maryanne Stewart, who also happens to be Arthur's lawyer, her performance alone is simply electrifying to watch.

Stewart's original 'gameplan' in question - is to convince - the judge - that her 'client' - was in fact - psychologically disturbed by his unique abusive upbringing and that he deserves major hospital treatment on the unique grounds of diminished responsibility while Dent - the 'District Attorney' 'DA' says a different story stating that Arthur in question - deserves to be put on the electric chair.

Also as for Arthur Fleck in question - well he is uniquely conflicted - as only he knows and also understands that his insanity plea is his only chance for freedom - but that in question is that he also longs to embrace his unique destiny persona as 'THE JOKER' - again - however on the advice of Maryanne - she also instructs - and personally tells him to simply - 'REJECT' : as it has simply given him the unique 'CELEBRITY STATUS' as you do - and also a heroic destiny - and it has also brought him in question - close to Harley - the love of his life.

Gaga in question, brings a sly and also a manipulative malice to her role : Quinn is very secretive, smart and also genuinely disturbed in a unique way that ARTHUR/JOKER perhaps isn't. However, is she classed as 'THE LADY MACBETH' of 'supervilliany' ? - Well, sort of. You see that the sheer constructed of this really doesn't give very much of a unique character at a development - in that direction - or come to think of it - as any other direction in that matter. But that it is also quite possible to feel quite restless during 'the final section' of the film - and also wonder whether anything that's quite plausible, sad, funny, or even unexpected will be revealed about Arthur Fleck, given that the film's original body language in question will soon exists on its mythic importance.

As for Phoenix, well his unique performance as Fleck, showcases his psyche struggles with dual identities and also his interactions within the Arkham State Hospital, however his performance has also been praised for its intensity and depth by capturing and also the chaotic essence of the character of the Joker in question.

'JOKER : FOLIE 'a DEUX' is Michael Corleone in 'THE GODFATHER : PART III', and also Stringer Bell in 'SEASON THREE' of 'THE WIRE' -an inveterate criminal that's simply seeking the approval of a unique straight society. But, that like those men, it's also finding that unique self approval is also hard to come by. However, by most unconventional metrics that the 'ORIGINAL JOKER' movie was an unequivocal success at box-offices worldwide - and also 'breaking the record' at the time making over $1bn (£764,115,000.00 -UK) on top of the 'OSCAR WIN' - and also that 'FOLIE 'a DEUX' in question, and also that with even more creative freedom - and also even a bigger budget (close to $200m - about 152,853,000.00 -UK) - that's supposedly in the same 'ball-park' as many huge effects-driven blockbusters - like 'AVENGERS : ASSEMBLE' [2012] that was also poised to be a 'TRIUMPHANT' encore, but also that if many 'predictions' and also early 'reactions' of this that are simply anything to go by, then the 'general public' {ie: you and me} won't be having any of it.

However, there's also a unique glut of negative reviews hasn't helped of course and that yours truly found it as ''really boring'' and as dull as seeing a commercial adverting a well-known washing powder and fronted by an Irish celebrity advertising the well -known product (don't worry other washing powders are also available)also seeing the likes of Gaga and Phoenix warbling on through songs like a strangled cat who has more lives than Donald John Trump (the former US President turned into a abrasive crook since Richard M.Nixon 'aka Tricky Dicky' that are truly known as 'THE GREATEST HITS' although Gaga could also team up with the likes of Pierce Brosnan and even Russell Crowe (yes Maximus himself) entering into a competition as 'THE WORST SINGER' - but also in the words of the legendary Peter Sellers who recorded an album entitled as 'A DROP OF THE HARD STUFF' and stating that you're not singing out of tune - you're also reciting a 'bum' note - which it is - but also that this is also a film that's likely to displease many - and also that its unique audience can sense something up in the air - like a certain Rachel Reeves MP, 'THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER' who's also 'THE GRIM REAPER' and even the look of 'THE TERMINATOR' whose unique predictions that are simply forthcoming concerning a terrible storm that's about to happen - and also unaware that she's simply 'lost the plot' - 'STUPID GIRL' !

David M.G.Mitchell

Geraint Owen

Studying MA Fine Art, Canterbury

1 个月

its shit

Aysha Kuhlor MSN, RN, BA,PAC-NE

Chief Nurse Executive |VP Clinical Operations|Healthcare Coach|National Speaker|Healthcare Consultant |Strategist| LinkedIn Healthcare Voices|Author

5 个月

Sounds like an interesting take on a much-anticipated film. David Mitchell



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