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Jojimer Castino
I help life coaches automate client acquisition by applying strategic high converting sales funnel—that's scalable & same time gives satisfaction to their client which increase customer retention rate ??
First, let’s define what is mediocre because often this word gets a bad notion. As of the dictionary, the meaning of mediocre is “of only moderate; not very good”.
But in reality, this isn’t most of the case in a person, because an excellent performance of a person today could be an average by tomorrow or worst. See? So if this was the case, how do you define who is mediocre or not?
The answer is being consistent with your performance. A person who is giving all his best but still delivers an average result every day could someday become excellent from it and not a person that only does his/her best when the weather is good or if things are all well and then becomes bullshit at harder times. With all being said let’s proceed with how I did stop being a mediocre person.
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1. ???????? ?? ???????????? ?? Everything starts with a vision. Ask yourself what you want to become after 5, 10, or 20 years from now, then research and find all the fine details on how you can do it. It’s crucial that you know all the fine details of it than having a vague idea of how to do it because it will save your time, makes your execution more effective, it will make you more enthusiastic than ever, and most importantly, it makes you stick firmly with that vision having all the clarity you need.
2. ?????????????? ?????? ?????????????? ?? I don’t subscribe to the idea of believing in yourself and have no time repeating the mantra “you got this, you can do it, believe yourself” shit. See, imagine suddenly you’re thrown out in the middle of the war without any training or orientation, and then you have to fight for your life. Do you think you have the time to tell yourself all that shit? Of course not, and in case you do, you just giving yourself unnecessary anxiety because deep down you’re just repressing your fear by telling yourself that you can do it, you got this LMAO when in reality, you are facing something greater than your expectation. So, instead of doing that shit, what I have done is embrace the unknown, by doing it, I don’t need to fool myself into thinking that I am greater than what I’m facing, instead by accepting the fact that I don’t have much control with the unknown and I don’t have much knowledge about it without any choice it force me to become more sharp, alert, and sensitive with what’s happening around so I can take an appropriate response to it.
3. ???????????? ?? ?????????????????? ?????? ???????????????? ?? We don’t have all the time in the world, by putting a time limit on what you do, you will force yourself to cut-off unnecessary activity that isn’t contributing to your milestone. Milestones are important because it makes you see that you’re making progress, and it’s satisfying to see all the progress you have that catalyzes for you to complete more milestones.
4. ?????????? ???????? ???? ?????????????????? ?? If you are on a tight deadline or working with something big, you know that you can’t do it on time unless you give up on something to free up more time. And not only that, we only have limited mental capacity and energy every day; to utilize it wisely will require you to sacrifice something. In my case I always do heavy thinking almost every day, I found out that, I’m accumulating mental fatigue that affects my focus and that’s a bit frustrating and limiting me with what I want to do. To solve that, I stop eating from Monday to Friday and only drink water during that period. Fasting puts your body in a rejuvenating state where it only focuses on healing your body by removing all toxins and repairing some damaged cells because your body doesn’t need to work on digesting your food and distributing nutrients, it can focus on healing your body. This rejuvenating state naturally happens when you get sick, you’ll lose the appetite to eat because your body wants to focus on healing your body. With this state, I can work now without worrying about accumulating mental fatigue because when I go to sleep, I can recover faster from it than when I’m eating on weekdays. So every morning I woke up I always feel fresh like nothing happens yesterday. Not only that, fasting will enable you to have clearer thoughts, better memory, and increased sharpness of your other senses. Though I can’t recommend it to anyone, I’m only able to do it because I’m practicing meditation for 15 years which helps me to control all my urges and cravings. So this thing is like a walk in the park for me but it could be hell for someone. The best thing is to find what works for you and learn how to sacrifice when needed in exchange for a great return.
5. ???????? ?????????????????????????? ?? I always get into an argument when I say this to someone. The fact is people love to romanticize almost everything they want. Though not bad, most of the time it’s just a waste of your time, and you end up frustrated when things don’t match what you romanticize. LMAO What I do instead is check on myself, what lack in me, how much I’m away from my goal, and what I can improve on myself to keep the gap close between what I am now versus what I want to be, and always trying to improve myself, get closer and closer until I achieve it.
6. ???????????? ???????????????? ?? Always reward yourself when you reach some milestone, it doesn’t need to be extravagant but it could be. Most of the time I reward myself for something that I badly wanted. It depends also on how much you accomplished and how much you gain from consistently working hard.