Jointechlabs Regenerative Medicine Newsletter

Jointechlabs Regenerative Medicine Newsletter

Dr. Nathan Katz | CEO | Jointechlabs, Inc.
Dr. Nathan Katz | CEO | Jointechlabs, Inc.

Welcome to the Winter ’25 edition of our newsletter!

I try not to get too personal in my notes, but I am so excited by the fact that Jointechlabs has received CE-Mark approval for our Mini-Stem system. This was the culmination of years of development and refinement and I’m so proud of our US and EU-based teams. The full story is below.

We’ve often been requested to write a core article, for consumers and practitioners, to explain the basics of microfragmented fat - what it is, its uses, its advantages, and where it fits on the regenerative medicine spectrum.??That article is below.

As practitioners, you want to provide treatments that are both safe and effective. Two new pieces of microfat research are shown below, one focusing on safety and one on effectiveness.

I wish you a wonderful winter, whether you’ll be swooshing down slopes, enjoying a hot cocoa, reading a scientific journal, or all the above! Enjoy the newsletter.

- Nathan Katz | CEO | Jointechlabs, Inc.

Lead Story
An introductory article, perfect for patients/consumers or interested medical practitioners.

An introductory article, perfect for patients/consumers or interested medical practitioners. Read more...

Mini-Stem System, the world’s first product to produce injectable microfat (MFAT) AND ALSO isolate Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) from fat, has received final CE-Mark approval. This brings joint pain and arthritis relief to the EU and beyond, and is a major step in the evolution of regenerative medicine.

Mini-Stem System, the world’s first product to produce injectable microfat (MFAT) AND ALSO isolate Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) from fat, has received final CE-Mark approval. This brings joint pain and arthritis relief to the EU and beyond, and is a major step in the evolution of regenerative medicine...Read more...

Reads Worth Reading

There Is Wide Variation in Platelet-rich Plasma Injection Pricing: A United States Nationwide Study of Top Orthopaedic Hospitals

A telephone study throughout the US showed that pricing for a single PRP injection ranged from $350 to $2,815 and even ranged widely within metropolitan areas.

Microfragmented Adipose Tissue Injection Reduced Pain Compared With a Saline Control Among Patients With Symptomatic Osteoarthritis of the Knee During?

1-Year Follow-Up: A Randomized Controlled Trial

This is the most recent of many studies showing the effectiveness of MFAT for knee OA.

Infiltration of micro-fragmented adipose tissue under local anesthesia for knee osteoarthritis treatment is a safe procedure: A case series

Focusing solely on fat harvesting, this study is one of many that demonstrate the safety of the procedure.

Presidential Fat Puzzler

Fat is good and is essential for life and health, while microfat is an amazing healing substance.?

But we all know that too much fat is not healthy, and thus the (somewhat controversial) focus on

Body Mass Index (BMI)

PUZZLER PART ONE: Since the US just had a presidential election, can you name the US President with the highest Body Mass Index (BMI)?

? Answer is at the bottom of this newsletter ?

PUZZLER PART TWO: While the amount of extra fat that makes a person “overweight” or “obese” has been a moving target over time, by today’s standards a BMI of 30 or over is considered obese. For extra credit, can you name the four other US Presidents considered obese?PUZZLER PART THREE: For super-star, Jeopardy-winning credit, can you name the 13 other presidents who are considered overweight, with a BMI between 25 and 29.9? Okay that’s too hard - how about naming four presidents considered overweight.

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Contact Jointechlabs, Inc. to apply!

Dr. Nishit Pancholi | COO | Jointechlabs, Inc.
Dr. Nishit Pancholi | COO | Jointechlabs, Inc.

I hope you enjoyed our Winter newsletter!

Please feel free to contact me using the form below. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on this newsletter or on our company or products. If you write me, I will respond to you personally.

P.S. If you never want to miss our newsletter click here.

- Dr. Nishit Pancholi | COO | Jointechlabs, Inc.

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Stay updated with the latest news and exciting updates.

Answer to highest BMI president: At 340 pounds and a BMI of 46.6, William Howard Taft was the most obese US president.

For the other answers please click here.

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Ingenious invention for a more pain-free humanity


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