Joining a Start up ? Some tips for employees...
Ramesh Kumar
Here to expose fake influencers and educate vulnerable people. Some one called me Influslayer! Fighting plagiarism. Believer of 'Nothing is impossible'. What I express here is personal & nothing to do with my Company.
Startups are exciting. The founders may have crazy idea and you need to be crazy too. Entrepreneurs may sacrifice a lot to keep it going.
First some DOs
# Join only if you like the idea.
# Be ready to put in long hours.
# Be happy if you get this month's salary. Keep some money in bank, if you can, for any bad days ahead.
# Enjoy every day of work
# If you have an idea, share it boldly with founders
# Take pride in your company's 'crazy' idea and tell as many as possible. You are actually marketing it !
# Spend time on team lunches/dinners with team members. You will understand them more and will be part of a great team.
When you join, you may check what is offered to you. Are you offered only CTC. Then you may check with them, if you get some telephone reimbursement/travel allowances/ESOPS/Shares/ bonus /perks/car etc. If they 'tell' you that you 'get rich' when the company 'makes it' and there is no commitment in any kind of agreement, be sure that, you don't get anything, but the satisfaction that you were part of success.
# Learn, Learn & learn
# Never join as you are offered a 'job' and because you wanted a job first!
# Don't expect immediate monetary gains.
# Don't think of designations and promotions. Just work.
# Even if you 'think' the boss's idea is not good, do not work against the idea. ( You may be wrong. Just let him know of your apprehensions, but, don't push. Support him/her )
# Don't talk negatively about your startup with any outsiders.
# Don't question how Bosses 'take money out' ! It is none of your business. They may be paying your salary, even if they don't have money to take care of their families!
# Don't try to sacrifice some monetary stuff that you are eligible -like Local travel allowance, Stay in hotels, Dearness allowance, Communication cost --spent for official work. You may think you are helping the management by not claiming which you are entitled to. You may be just a fool, if you are not likely to get any benefit if the company 'makes it' .
# Don't desert the project just because you got another offer for few Dollars more. ( Check with the Bosses, why you shall stay back :-)
If you come out with a new product /solution or a value-add which was not planned and this is likely to generate good revenue, check if the management is willing to give you and the team some bonus and/or part of that revenue. The chances of them giving you something is almost Zero...but, there is no loss in requesting. They may say that you are paid salary, ignoring the fact that, it was solely your creation/innovation, beyond the call of duty.
Whatever, give your 100% and just have fun. It is exciting to work in a start-up.