Joining The Move Into The Fifth Dimension? ??
Gregory Reece-Smith MBA Author, Creator, Shamanic CEO
★Guiding All ◆ To Find Their Why ◆ By Knowing And Being Themselves ★
Have you sensed the energies beginning to change?
You may notice this in different ways. Perhaps you are particularly tired, for example, you may need extra rest and have unusually vivid dreams.
You may feel confused and wonder why you feel the way you do? Often that is a sign those feelings are not yours - you could be carrying them for someone in your ancestral lineage who was unable to bring resolution.
As we are all having a 'karmic clear out', such family burdens and entanglements will become increasingly obvious. Added to which, there seems to have been a move to include the whole gamut of relationships!
The astrology is also inviting you to go within as a way to consider your next move later in 2025. Then the new astrological year starts on the 20th - the moment equal light and shadow also arrives!
The current eclipse season continues to accelerate change. The solar eclipse on the 29th brings the power of three new moons in one to open major new doors in our lives.
Want To Move On From Your Existing Shadow? ?
These are all natural cycles the ancient cultures understood - they even built monuments to track them! The key for us all is to flow with these natural rhythms, even when they feel overwhelming.
At each equinox, Mother Earth's magnetic field lowers, allowing us to more easily access other realms and dimensions.
Another cycle we are at is the peak of the 18.6 year lunar standstill - creating extreme tidal effects in both our oceans and emotions!
Being in alignment with these natural cycles means we experience almost simultaneously highs and lows, expansions and contractions.
Such extremes though create openings for expanded awareness and the opportunity for new possibilities.
In this we will be assisted by the final increase in energy taking place on 25th March. By then more than half of humanity will have stepped into the Fifth Dimension.
When you choose to shift into the Fifth Dimension you will notice your focus is in the present moment. The past and future becoming distant, no longer dominating your life.
Enabling you to be more accepting of yourself and others. So creating opportunities for those who are ready to be who they truly are. Letting go of old identities to step into the new.
Expect more volatile events to occur in the next six weeks or so – one step forward, half a step backwards! This unsettling could be both collective as well as personal.
More is set out in my latest article, as well as the importance of being the observer of what emerges in the relatively short term ahead.
The Move Is Nearly Here
This includes allowing yourself to enjoy, feel into, sense the change in your own energy and what you sense and feel. Be yourself, love yourself and all that you have created and will continue to do!
This will help you move closer to the harmonic of the Creator we all came from - unity, oneness, the unfiltered connection to all that is. The calm and peace of Creator Love!
The latest Message From Source had this summary:? ???
“Those of you who have made up the more than half who have adjusted to the higher vibration and clearer flow of the Fifth, will also find new opportunities become easier to receive as well as explore.
The reminder in this Message is that your physical body is not a machine, healed through a formulaic approach often treating pain as the cause, not the symptom.
As we move through this period, our bodies will adapt to resonate with the higher frequency photons or energy fields. Enabling us to access the information in these higher frequencies - including that from the Creator as well as our higher selves.
The speed at which this unfolds is once again humanity's choice. To ease the passage be in Nature, play with children and reconnect with your inner children.
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My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love who may need some help to make their move.?? ????????????????????
To Make The Move You Desire ???