Joining The Local Radio Companies To Build A New Future.
Listeners live in a press-to-play world where distraction is everywhere. When distraction is the rule of the day, innovation is required.

Joining The Local Radio Companies To Build A New Future.

I'm just thinking about how technology advances. Opportunity and risk. Early adaptors and laggards, the scared and the excited.

I'm right there with you.

Friday the Wall Street Journal published a story about the Washington Post that I thought could have interest for every broadcaster and media person. That's because the story is really about the push and pull going on over how to generate or save attention with consumers in the face of the highly addictive death scrolling social media. It's also about how to grow profit. (The story is titled "Washington Post CEO Plans Digital Makeover With 'Third Newsroom' if you want to check it out).

Basically, Jeff Bezos is grappling with financial losses at the Washington Post (77 million dollars last year) and the powers inside the paper believe that capturing the attention of younger generations is essential to a turnaround.

The Post is trying things. In fact, they are moving in a different direction from the entire industry they are in.

Grab your free Audio eBoost ? (like rocket fuel for your career and local radio or radio cluster)!?We send only one (1) email a month and it is packed with ways to help you!??

The paper is willing to experiment with opening up a social media strategy around content that is an attempt to appeal to Generation Z, experiment with attracting people who will subscribe digitally along with those who won't and they are also willing to experiment with different ways to grow digital subscriptions, including.

Here's my question for radio. If Jeff Bezos, with all his resources, is willing to experiment with ALL the ways they do business to attempt a new result and reach their goals of turning around a newspaper, shouldn't radio think about all the ways we do business and be open to experimentation?

A significant reason the Washington Post is taking measured risks to experiment for a different outcome is failure. That's right. Bezos sees the ground underneath the paper shifting away from a successful future and he has a fundamental understanding that risk now is necessary. So it is for the radio business.

On our podcast, The Encouragers? The Radio Rally? podcast (Apple, Audible, Spotify), we've seen radio pros like Ed Levine talk about his experimentation and growth using both events and sports related content. Justin Cousart with Cox Media in Jacksonville talked with us about all the views they've received from their sports social media. Cumulus digital sales manager Joe Brown talked about how to innovate around selling digital and helping people see the opportunities radio has from a different perspective. Once a quarter we launch a radio sales event focused on breaking with the past and giving local radio sellers ANYWHERE opportunity to boost their revenue. And did I mention our podcast is free?

As a practice, Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC) focuses on helping our clients strengthen their local brands as well as growing revenue and increasing the profit margin from each kind of business they are in today.

What are you doing with your local radio brands involving innovation around strengthening brand, increasing revenue and growing profit margin? Do you have a strategy?

What kind of work are you doing around database and your use of social media to help your local radio brands?

Are you experimenting with new technology to do more with less (because we know we have to do more with less)?

How are you experimenting with innovation in your selling process?

You may know us as encouragers. We bring ideas to clients. We work to make strengthening brands easier for our clients. We help our clients unlock and leverage new growth in their local market.

If you don't do anything after reading this, focus on your opportunities to experiment and to encourage your team be unique to your market and opportunities.

Take our free info any time. Our interest is helping radio. We have over 1,100+ 'articles of encouragement ' on our website for you. The podcast allows you to hear only people active in our business sharing how they are getting ahead and how you can, too. We think giving away as much as we do will encourage the right radio operators step into a discussion about their goals for the future of their business. For some that is readying their business for selling. For others, it is about reviving their local brands, revenue and profit center to pre-covid levels. People contact us because they are looking for new ideas and they find our hybrid approach to growing revenue and profit while strengthening brands worth the risk. For us, it isn't just about programming. The goal of our business should be to increase our influence, our revenue and our profit while making our brands the center of consumer trust and attention.

Would you like to join us?

We know that local radio can be larger than it is - not smaller. Join us.?

Catch my weekly radio sales column each Monday @ .?

The Next Step For Your Business

What good is improving your programming if it doesn’t result in helping you create revenue growth?

That’s why we do what we do at RPC. We help local radio clients improve those programming elements known to increase the ratings and value of their local radio brands, but we also help local radio owners and managers to motivate revenue growth. In addition to on-air talent coaching, we also help local radio owners and managers with the talent they really worry about: ?Their sales team.

Move your business ahead. Own the word growth in your market. Even our name means “Pathway To Money.” Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works. ?

When we go to work with local radio clients and they follow our collaborative process, their revenue and profit margin rises.?

We can help you. Schedule a meet up by email now. First consultation is free and confidential. [email protected] . 864.448.4169.


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