Join the XAI - ERC project team at Pisa, Italy!
A two-year PostDoc position open, to join the ERC Advanced Grant XAI team in Pisa, Italy
XAI: Science and technology for the eXplanation of AI decision making, ERC Advanced Grant n. 834756 (2019-2025)
Principal investigators: Fosca Giannotti, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa in collaboration with Dino Pedreschi, University of Pisa, at KDD Lab in Pisa, Italy ?
Deadline for online applications: Monday, 30 January 2023 at 13:00 CEST
Online applications at (selection code: ass-inf2022-17)
Salary: approximately € 3.100 net per month, a competitive salary for Italian standards
Duration: 2 years
The successful candidate will work in an interdisciplinary team with top-ranked researchers at the KDD Lab, a joint Lab of University of Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore and the Italian national Research Council (CNR)
Join us to develop the future innovative models and methods for Human-centered, Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Collaborative Decision Making:
The XAI ERC project focuses on how to construct meaningful explanations of opaque AI/ML systems, following several research lines: how to devise machine learning models that are transparent-by-design, how to perform black-box model auditing and explanation, how to reveal data and algorithmic bias, how to learn causal relationships, how to enable fruitful conversation between human decision makers and AI decision support tools, how to make explainable AI work in concrete domains, such as healthcare, risk assessment, justice, etc.
See our publications here:
Ideal candidates should hold or be about to obtain a PhD degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Cognitive Sciences or related disciplines, and a proven track record of excellent University grades and publications in relevant top-tier conferences and journals. Background on (some of) the following topics is appreciated: machine learning, deep learning, inductive relational learning, statistical learning, statistical physics of machine learning, knowledge graphs, causal reasoning and learning, counterfactual reasoning, cognitive models of learning and reasoning, human-computer interaction. Good written and spoken communication skills in English are required.
Applications must be submitted exclusively online at: within the deadline of Monday, 30 January 2023 at 13:00 CEST
We are happy if the interested candidates also send us an expression of interest, containing the candidate’s CV accompanied by a letter of motivation and key publications. Please send your expression of interest (not mandatory) to [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected] with subject: [XAI] Expression of interest.
Salary is approximately 48,000 Euro per year (gross, before taxes). Given the current tax regulation, this corresponds to approximately € 3.100 per month (net, after taxes), which is a competitive salary according to Italian standards. Appointments are expected to start in Spring 2023 (start date is flexible).
KDD Lab, the Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining Lab of ISTI-CNR and Univ. of Pisa, is a pioneering initiative in data science & AI, established in 1994. KDD Lab is a core node of the Humane-AI-Net H2020 network of excellent research centers in AI, the coordinator of the SoBigData++ research infrastructure on Social Mining and Big Data Analytics and a partner of AI4EU, the EU on-demand AI platform
Recent publications of KDD Lab on XAI: