Join us for an Executive Asset Management Round Table
Objective: To provide an asset management-focused discussion for executives of public and private industrial organizations in order to identify challenges and solutions for advancing reliability and asset management in a positive peer environment.
I am looking forward to leading this intimate, candid* and highly interactive round table discussions. Seating is limited to 40 invited participants to ensure high quality discussions and contributions.
Hyatt Regency Coconut Point
Dec 11, 2018
Send me a request for an invitation as soon as possible as we expect seats to go quickly.
There are six targeted areas of discussion. Together, they are designed to explore the wide range of challenges in providing secure and effective project value delivery:
- Asset Management as a Competitive Business Strategy
- Aligning Knowledge of Risk and Decision Making
- Executing On The Promise of The Industrial Internet of Things
- Empowering Human Capital Management – The Secret Weapon of Asset Management
- Advancing Asset Knowledge
- Reliability as a Growth Strategy
A balanced agenda and experienced facilitators provide focus and an effective platform for networking and discussion. Those who attend have responsibility for asset management and reliability, are manager level or higher and are expected to actively participate in this stimulating event to create innovative ideas and concrete results.
We expect participation by Asset Managers and Reliability Leaders from the USA, Canada, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia and other locations.
This year’s Executive Asset Management Round Table focuses on the strategies and approaches to create a business advantage and a culture of reliability and safety through cross functional collaboration for improved asset performance across the whole asset lifecycle.
Cross sector lessons learned are often among the most valued outcomes of these discussions. Global representatives from asset-intensive industries such as rail, water, energy and life sciences have been invited to discuss these challenges. The 2018 Executive Asset Management Round Table in Florida is designed for a wide cross section of industries and organizations.
Attendees will have opportunities to share ideas and experiences in a private format.
Each topic is provided with a foundation of prepared content. These facilitated sessions will promote lively discussion and respectful debate. To encourage open discussion and information sharing, the world-famous Chatham House Rule* is applied.
*The Chatham House Rule: "When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed."