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A dream without a goal is simply a wish.
Dear Reader, I wish to present before you Great association in fastest growing life insurance industry. A career which gives you High Earning Potential, Mental Satisfaction of securing others, Socially Befitting people, Right Advice based on sound returns in the Past and yes Recognition, Rewards and International / National Trips.
Hi …My name is Shomu Gupta and I am proudly associated as Senior Manager in HDFC Life in Agency Channel. Let me ask you one thing – we all wanted to help society, we want to be a little contributor in growth story of our Nation but we are Busy in our daily Jobs, Business, Clients, and Families etc.
What if I tell you – by devoting few hours in a week for Training and engagements with People can bring lot of positivity in your and other’s Life. Your advice can save families from unexpected economic loss, your advice can bring smile to faces when money is actually required for child’s marriage or higher education, generating regular income when someone cannot work anymore, in case of medical emergencies and so on.
Economics of Industry:
1. Due to huge growth potential in India it's going to account 35% of country total savings by 2020.
2. Today life insurance industry play's a major role in Indian economy by having 24 players’ and 3.7 % contribution in its GDP.
Huge Opportunity for You:
1. In next 5 yrs industry will grow by 3 time's due to strong household savings.
2. Young nation as 50% population is under age of 35yrs.
3. 2/3rd of population is insurable but we have only one out five insured.
4. By 2025 India's insurable population is going to be 100cr. And life expectancy 74yrs.
5. There are only 3.15 advisors / agency per thousand populations in country.
Some key covers:
1. 5.1 cr lives insured.
2. 29186 cr total premium.
3. 605820 cr new sum assured
4. 18301 cr Indian embedded value.
5. 125552 cr Asset Under Management (AUM)
Big Question: Why HDFC Life:
1. We the HDFC group is closely knit family strongly rooted in our approach, yet inspirational in our purpose
2. We started our business in Housing Finance continued to be core business and over the year's we have grown into large financial conglomerate with diversified businesses.
3. Since our operation in 2000 we have grown to 414 branches with strong team of 100000+ financial consultants across country and counting on.
4. HDFC Life Insurance Co Ltd is a joint venture between HDFC Ltd, one of India's leading housing finance institution and Standard Life Aberdeen Plc, a global long term investment and savings player.
Key benefits as financial consultant with us:
1. Be independent.
2. Flexible work hour's.
3. Zero investment.
4. Be an entrepreneur
5. Earn rewards and recognition
6. Best in Class enablers, digital from login to post sales service
7. Get skilled and groomed -As it's a saying learning is a regular process. So our L&D department take's care to make you life insurance expert.