Join us at GDC! Web3 gaming is back?! And how to position your game for growth in 2024
Hi there! Times are tough in the games industry, here's a bit of insight to help you through your journey.
Talk shop with us during GDC
If you're going to be at GDC and you'd like to learn more about how to grow your games or just want to talk about games, game development, and games marketing, reach out to us at [email protected] to set up a time to chat!
Will the web2.5 mullet save web3?
AppsFlyer and Spindl join us to talk about the convergence of web2 and web3 – what we've affectionately termed the web2.5 mullet. Learn about the challenges of measuring on-chain and off-chain events, the intersection of measurement and growth marketing for web2 and web3 gaming, opportunities and limitations on the supply side of web3 advertising, and much more.
How to build a better web3 experience
Mure and Shrapnel join us to discuss what needs to be rebuilt and rethought in web3 in order to provide an experience gamers can get behind. Learn about better token design, game economies, DAO structures, and more.
Gaming disruption
Discover how Xbox's strategic pivot, Disney's investment in Epic Games, and Meta's earnings and business decisions hint at upcoming disruption in the games and marketing spaces.
2024 gaming trends
Ongoing industry layoffs, Microsoft's latest earnings report, and Apple's new App Store policy: What do these things tell us about the gaming industry and evolving trends? Watch to find out!
Its nice that you are having good time at GDC. If you visit expo hall, do say hi at our booth - Avataryug - SU10 in the startup zone