Join the Spring Renewal Challenge!
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Join the Spring Renewal Challenge!

Three 10-Minutes Stress-Busting Challenges to Refresh Your Game!

20 March 2023

For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, Welcome the Vernal Equinox!

For millennia humans have been observing and celebrating the coming of Spring. It is a time universally heralded as a period of new beginnings and fresh starts. Words like renew, refresh, rejuvenate all resonant with us instinctively at this time of year. In the Spring we typically feel a little lighter and more optimistic about the world – and our place in it. The phrase “to walk with a spring in your step” suddenly takes on a richer context…

This Spring Renewal Challenge will help you recharge your mind, body, and spirit... and it will be FUN!

You, esteemed reader, are a leader and a change agent in your own domain. As such, you recognize the need to sustain peak performance. Recharging yourself is essential to stay on top of your game!

Come on out and play! Will you join us?

Here’s how the Spring Renewal Challenge works:

Each of the three 10-minute challenges has a primary focus – mind, body, or spirit – however, all challenges will yield benefits beyond their primary focus area. If you are absolutely strapped for time (or perhaps a bit reluctant to go all-in), start with the dimension you anticipate will have the biggest impact on your life right now.

The Spring Renewal Challenge assignments are deceptively simple, and the process is very straightforward. Don’t let this mislead you into thinking these tasks are not worthy of your time. On the contrary, if you complete these challenges - wholeheartedly and free of distraction - the shift will be palatable. The idea is to prioritize these few moments as time that you will consciously devote your full attention to something that is just for you. No multi-tasking or half-assing allowed!

Check it out:

Step 1: Commit

  • Commit to one, two, or all three of the 10-minutes challenges. (This is for your benefit – no judgement here, just gentle encouragement to accept this Spring Renewal Challenge!)

Step 2: Schedule

  • Schedule your selected challenge(s) in your calendar now for completion within the next three days. Chose times that you are able to disconnect and not likely to be disturbed. (We only need 10 minutes here - you can do it!)

Step 3: Do

  • Complete the challenge(s) which you committed to at the appointed time(s). If something comes up to derail your efforts, no stress, simple reschedule that challenge anew in your calendar! (You’re worth it!! And so are those you interact with – do it for them if you are hesitating at this point.)

Step 4: Reflect & (optional) Report

  • Reflect on your experience. How did your selected challenge(s) impact you? What words come to mind? Please take a moment to acknowledge by reporting back on LinkedIn. Briefly sharing your involvement may benefit others in untold ways. Also, please post a comment if you have questions, feedback, or would be interested in exploring additional 10-minute challenges.

Ready to revive the Winter-Weary you? Let’s get started!


For the Mind Challenge you are going to select a current problem/issue/challenge that has been occupying your thoughts recently – it can be absolutely anything – work-related or not, minor or life-altering, you choose. You do not need to share this with anyone, this challenge is for you.

Begin by eliminating any potential distractions. Shut the door, put your smartphone on silent, etc… Next clarify what concern you are going to focus your attention on for this challenge. If you like you may write your chosen issue down; however, it is not necessary to put your challenge on paper if you have it firmly in your mind.

Once you’ve decided your focus, please take three to five slow, deep, and complete in and out breaths. Don’t worry about your form, just relax, and avoid the urge to rush through this step.

You are going to explore your concern from a completely new perspective. Suspend judgement and imagine for 10 full minutes how others would go about solving your issue. Select a figure (or two), known or unknown, that appeals to you and start exploring (solo brainstorming).

How do you imagine they might address your topic? How would Richard Branson, Elon Musk, or Oprah approach your issue? What assumptions might they make (or ignore?)? What expertise would color their view – and how might that impact their methodology? How do you imagine the great religious figures of the world would proceed with determining a solution to your concern? Be it Abraham, Buddha, Confucius, Indra, Jesus, or Muhammad… how would they begin? Feel free to consider more contemporary solution sources as well – a favorite fictional character perhaps (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Spock, Gandalf, Dr. Strange, Groot...)? Who do you consider to be über creative? A respected artist? Your cousin?

What insights can you glean by imagining your concern from another's perspective?


For the Body Challenge you are going to select an area of your body where you currently – or typically – feel tension, pain, or discomfort. I often carry stress in my shoulders. You may habitually clench your jaw, or perhaps you feel anxiety in your gut… whatever it is, select one body area that you will work with for this challenge.

As an alternative for full Body Challenge credit, particularly if you are not experiencing a specific tension area, consider trying the Seven-Minute Workout App. It is completely free, fits within your 10-minute Body Challenge time allotment (including a few minutes to download the app), and involves no special equipment! Win!

Logistically, it may best to perform your Body Challenge at home. As before, begin by eliminating any potential distractions. (Shut the door, put your smartphone on silent, etc…)

Once you’ve decided on your body focus area and taken steps to avoid interruption, please take three to five slow, deep, and complete in and out breaths. Don’t worry about your form, just relax, and avoid the urge to rush through this step.

You are going to actively provide your undivided attention to your chosen area in the form of self-care. There are thousands of modalities to approach bodywork, and since I obviously don’t know what your specific stress area is, let me provide a few common examples and trust that you know what the most helpful approach for you at this time is. (I should note here that I am not a health care practitioner and am in no way dispensing medical advice. If you have an injury or any reservations about participating in the examples of self-care below, please chose another challenge and/or contact your personal physician.)

  • Area of Stress/Tension/Pain: Neck/Shoulders
  • Potential Cause: Long hours on computer, slouching, repetitive strain
  • Examples of Soothing Self-Care: Heating Pad, self-massage, gentle stretching, shoulder blade pinch

  • Area of Stress/Tension/Pain: Lower Back/Hips
  • Potential Cause: Long hours repetitively sitting
  • Examples of Soothing Self-Care: Standing, walking, knee raises, gentle stretching/twisting

  • Area of Stress/Tension/Pain: Feet
  • Potential Cause: Long hours standing (or sitting), sprain
  • Examples of Soothing Self-Care: Elevate feet above heart (up a wall is generally very effective), soak feet in warm Epsom salt bath, self-massage

  • Area of Stress/Tension/Pain: Dry Skin
  • Potential Cause: Dry winter air
  • Examples of Soothing Self-Care: Soothing oatmeal bath, application of lotion

  • Area of Stress/Tension/Pain: General Headache/Agitation
  • Potential Cause: Stress, dehydration, overwhelmed
  • Examples of Soothing Self-Care: Big glass of room temperature water along with a change of scenery and some light stretching, essential oils


For the Spirit Challenge you are going to get out in nature!

This is a challenge of experiencing the beauty of the season as if for the first time. This is not a power walk, a group activity, nor the time to pop in your ear buds. Your mission is to find a reasonably peaceful place to take a stroll alone in nature so you may be fully present for your 10-minute unhurried amble. ?

Once you’ve arrived in your chosen destination, before you begin, please take three to five slow, deep, and complete in and out breaths. Don’t worry about your form, just relax, and avoid the urge to rush through this step.

Even if you are amid a large city, observe the goings on of the natural world. Seek the sound of bird song, perceive the hum of insects, note the fragility and fragrance of the first blossoms of Spring, the tenacity of the tender shoots emerging from the soil, the crispness in the air, the warmth of the sun…

The buds swell imperceptibly, without hurry or confusion, as if the short spring days were an eternity. ?? ~?Henry David Thoreau

Alternative Assignment

If you prefer, for any one of the above challenges (or in addition!), for any reason whatsoever, you may substitute the following for full challenge credit:

Grab your headphones and listen undisturbed to a favorite song that draws you in. If you like, watch the music video while listening (unless that will distract you from the immersion experience). The idea is to get lost in the song, swept away with its energy, like a teenager plopped on their bed, earbuds in and eyes closed – that is the vibe we are going for here – pure surrender. No requirement to be prone though, if you prefer to sway or dance, that is perfect too. Revel however you like.

For inspiration, I have two recommendations. The first, coming in at 9:06, is a classic for the ages: Led Zeppelin - Kashmir (Live from Celebration Day) (Official Video) (This is part of the Classic Rock Playlist | Best Classic Rock Songs if you fancy other legendary performers.)

The second recommendation is a Classical concerto; Vivaldi’s Spring from The Four Seasons, which seems an apropos selection. This full version fills 10:28 so it entirely fulfills the challenge criteria and the extra seconds are worth it!

Whatever you opt for, I hope you can focus exclusively on your selection and enjoy it fully!

?Happy Spring!

Thank you for participating in the Spring Renewal Challenge. If you found value in this, please Like, Comment, Share and Re-post.

The Spring-Cleaning Challenge! is coming in two weeks.

#spring #renewal #challenge #springrenewalchallenge #recharge #creativity #innovation #peakperformance #productivity #wellbeing


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