Join the Myelin-H Team: Unveiling Our Recruitment Process - Tips To Become a Myelinner & Banana Skins to Avoid
At Myelin-H, we're on a continuous journey of growth, currently featuring three available job positions (find more information on our website and LinkedIn page). With a significant multi-site clinical trial kicking off in 2024, we're gearing up to advertise five to six more positions in 2024. As we sift through the 150 applications received for our current roles (with 15 candidates shortlisted), we've noticed a common inquiry from applicants: insights into Myelin-H's interview and selection process. This inspired us to shed light on what we seek in applicants, hoping to assist prospective Myelinners in their journey. Let’s not put the “cart before the horse” and let's start with the basics - the application submission:
1. CV & Application Submission
The crucial point most applicants don’t understand about the process is the importance of having a clear CV with less jargon; a CV which mirrors their skillset and background. Since our inception, we've encountered a plethora of applications - some are off-the-charts good, some are reasonably good, some mediocre, and some puzzling. Whilst an applicant may sometimes sound like an excellent fit, their CV might not vividly portray that.
2. First Selection Email: Congratulations - Stage 1 Interview @ Myelin-H?
If your CV is clear and your background is aligned with what we are looking for, you will receive a selection email with the nitty-gritty details (explaining the interview process). Let's delve into our 3-stage evaluation process whose name is "NeuroRaiser" and whose description is below:
3. Assessment:
While we invite groups to interviews, we acknowledge there may be equally good candidates we pass over due to their inability to convey their strengths. To stand out, your application must be exceptional. All involved Myelin-H Folk will read your application and assess your interview separately to avoid groupthink bias.?
4. Banana Skins - Common Pitfalls:
Join Us:
If you've made it this far in reading our blog, congratulations! You should now have gained valuable insights into Myelin-H and our recruitment process. Now, consider taking the next exciting step - applying to become a Myelinner. At Myelin-H, we're not just offering jobs; we're inviting you to be part of a mission - A mission to empower over a billion individuals facing brain disorders, including 2.8 million with multiple sclerosis, by leveraging revolutionary brain-machine interface technology.
If the mission speaks to you and if you are excited to work at the intersection of neuroscience, artificial intelligence, bio-sensing, and neuroengineering, please join us for the ride. As we pave the way for groundbreaking projects and a multi-site clinical trial in 2024, the stage is set for individuals who seek more than a job; they seek an immersive experience in the world of cutting-edge neurotechnology and they want to create the future of personalised brain health through the development of home-ready brain-machine interfaces.