Join Our Hawaii Zen Ohana
Andrew Shugyo Daijo Bonnici, Ph.D.
Doctor Of Humanistic Depth Psychology, Holistic Transpersonal Zen Counselor, Founding Roshi (Zen Master) At Jotoku-Ji Zen Temple. My Amazon Books Are "Boundless Intimacy" And "Peaceful Light."
Aloha From From Big Island Of Hawaii,?
This is a personal invitation to join our Hawaii Zen 'Ohana On Facebook. There I post weekly teachings on Zen embodiment to advance health, healing, inner growth, behavioral wisdom, compassionate action, and spiritual fulfillment in everyday life and relationships. These everyday life teachings encourage people to confidently trust the still peaceful light of their core-Self, to take refuge in the basic goodness of their beginner's heartmind, to tenderly practice the farther reaches of loving and being loved, and to joyfully and gratefully embody the completion and fulfillment of their boundless intimacy with not one thing lacking.?
Here is the link to the Hawaii Zen 'Ohana:?
Please feel free to share this invitation with others.
with blessings,?
Dr. Bonnici???
(Shugyo Daijo-roshi)
Look Inside My Two Transformational Books That Show You How To Access And Apply The Inborn Intelligence And Still-Knowing And Of Our Core-Self.