JOIN MEETHIOPIA Meeting Point For Ethiopia
I would like to invite you to join Linkedin Group MEETHIOPIA Meeting Point for Ethiopia, a networking and comm?nication plaftorm for the professionals, businessmen and volunteers who are committed to the economic, social and cultural development Ethiopia.
??Stratejik Y?netim & Sürdürülebilir ?evre Politikalar? Dan??man? | Maestro-Q ?? Mükemmelli?i | ??+25 Y?l Endüstriyel Deneyim (üretim, TPM, Yal?n üretim, 6Sigma, Kalite, D?? Ticaret, Sat??, Pazarlama, Finans )
9 年Hayirli olsun Ali Bulut bey. Etyopya daha cok uretim acisindan tekstil sektoru tarafindan cazip gorulen bir pazar iken sizin farkli yaklasiminiz renk katmis, Tebrikler...