Join HeritageForAll Community!

Join HeritageForAll Community!

As a founder of HeritageForAll Initiative, I cordially invite my network, and the international experts, practitioners, and professionals to engage our community by sharing their practical experience and knowledge with the international young heritage professionals increasing their capacities in cultural heritage studies (e.g. heritage management, conservation sciences, urban/rural/regional development, technology, sustainability and resilience, heritage marketing, project management, ... etc.).

We are looking forward to receiving your application,

Please don't hesitate to share our communication channels with your colleagues who are probably interested in exploring heritage studies,

If you have such inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us,

With Kind Regards,

HeritageForAll team

[email protected]

Online Training Course "Prospects in Cultural Landscape Design"

HeritageForAll initiative cordially invites academics and professionals in heritage conservation and design to join our online training course "Prospects in Cultural Landscape Design",

Theme: Heritage Conservation

Short Description: The training course focuses on the methods and practices of landscape design in historical sites and buildings and the conservation of heritage gardens and landscapes. Heritage conservation is widely recognized as an important strategy for identifying and protecting built and landscape heritage resources. It represents the past history and culture of a nation to provide a sense of identity and continuity in a fast changing world for future generations and is a vital element of sustainable community development. The course enhances the practical skills and experience of heritage professionals. The content explores the links between landscape design and heritage conservation theory and practice through the lens of research, policy analysis and design intervention at different scales, from a single site to a broad landscape complex.

The course will be taught in ENGLISH.

Date/Duration: 27 June – 30 July 2024 (18:00 – 20:00 CET) (6 Days)

Registration fee: 100 Euro

Registration Form:

Target Groups:?undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students and young professionals in the fields of architecture, landscape design, archaeology, urban planning, conservation studies, fine arts and sustainability.


Arch. Amanda Guido Ochoa

Amanda is an architect and researcher who focuses on a built heritage. She has a degree in architecture from the Tepic Technological Institute (Mexico) and M.Sc in Architectural Design and History from Politecnico di Milano (Italy). She collaborated with studios, companies, and institutions, in Mexico, Italy, Greece and the United States, on heritage conservation projects, museography, landscape design and research. She is currently an independent architect and researcher in Mexico.?For more information about an instructor via LinkedIn (

Training Sessions:

Session One (Thursday 27 June 2024 18:00 - 20:00 PM CET)

Introduction to Landscape Architecture, Theory, History, and Approaches (Lecture)

Definition of Landscape Architecture;?Brief history of Landscape architecture and Garden Design;?International perspectives;?Contemporary Trends in Landscape Architecture

Session Two (Tuesday 02 July?2024 18:00 - 20:00 PM CET)

The Cultural Heritage of Landscape Architecture (Lecture)

UNESCO Cultural Landscapes and Heritage Chair;?Landscape Archaeology;?Techniques for the assessment of landscape heritage;?Landscapes legislation and organizations;?Landscape and identity

Session Three (Thursday 04 July 2024 18:00 - 20:00 PM CET)

The Landscape Design project (Lecture)

Site analysis;?Conceptual design;?Plant selection and modular planting;?Softscape and Hardscape;?Representation techniques

Session Four (Tuesday 09 July?2024 18:00 - 20:00 PM CET)

Design in the Historical Context (Lecture)

Context analysis and Genius Loci;?Conservation of historical Landscapes and gardens;?Integrating the new with the old;?Case studies

Session Five (Tuesday 16 July?2024 18:00 - 20:00 PM CET)

Project reviews?with each group (By Participants)

Session Six? (Tuesday 30? July? 2024 18:00 - 20:00 PM CET)

Final presentation?(By Participants) of the Conceptual proposal of a Landscape Design in Historical Context project of each group;?Conclusions and dialogue

Training Course Outcomes:

By the end of the module, the participants will be able to:

  1. Gain insight into the international? perspectives on heritage landscapes;
  2. Integrate concepts from the general body of knowledge of the profession of Landscape Architecture in design decision-making;
  3. Generate a conceptual Landscape architecture proposal in a historical site;
  4. Gain a critical understanding of the landscape as a product of natural and cultural forces operating over time, including the evolution of and meanings attached to cultural landscapes;
  5. Recognize the importance of landscape heritage to individuals and cultural groups.

Final product:?Participants will complete a conceptual landscape design proposal in a historical site. For this exercise, participants will be able to use the 2D and 3D design software and tools of their choice, taking into account the generation of plans, sections and collage or photomontage. Final design representation techniques depend on the participant's preferences and abilities.

The Zoom link will be sent only to the registered ones who paid the registration fees.

In case, you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to email us at [email protected]!

Audio-Guide Experiment in a Lost Heritage Area

HeritageForAll initiative cordially invites those, who are interested in historical exploration, to join our innovative experiment that focuses on the lost cultural heritage in Al-Qata’i?city (Ahmed Ibn Tulun City), the Egyptian forgotten Islamic capital.

As a participant, you will explore comprehensively with a state-of-the-art audio guide. The experiment aims to:

  • Illuminate the historical significance of Al-Qata’i?(Ahmed Ibn Tulun City) as a centre of Islamic culture and learning.
  • Experience the past through immersive audio guides, offering detailed insights and captivating narratives.
  • Navigate through concealed pathways, ancient mosques, and archaeological sites to uncover the mysteries of this lost era.
  • Provide valuable feedback and insights to inform the development of an alternative touristic route to preserve and celebrate Al-Qata’i?'s cultural heritage.
  • No prior expertise is necessary.

This experiment will be conducted by Arch. Mohamed W. Fareed, Msc for his master's thesis in World Heritage Studies at Brandenburgische Technische Universit?t Cottbus-Senftenberg . You, as a participant, will contribute to understanding how audio guides enhance the cultural significance of Al-Qata’i?. You will attend an audio-guided tour providing feedback through questionnaires and interviews.

Our meeting point will be at the entrance of Ibn Tulun Mosque (Cairo, Egypt). The most important building of the lost city. Your participation will significantly contribute to preserving and promoting Al-Qata’i?'s cultural legacy.

To participate, please fill out this registeration sheet:

For further details, please contact ([email protected]).

Don't miss this chance to revive the lost splendour of Al-Qata’i? like never before!


Mohamed Amer, PhD的更多文章

