Join the free Q&A 2pm Tuesday & Summer Retail Summary
Wizz Selvey
Strategy Advisor & Mentor | Co-founder of Valerie for the 1 billion women in perimenopause | Retail & Consumer Trends | Voted Top Retail Expert | Fundraising EIS
Hi Friends,
I hope you won't miss today's online event.
Ask me anything about “Trading with Global Retailers” on an interactive Q&A on Zoom
I am hosting a session to answer your questions following recent events about “Trading with Retailers”.
It will be with screens on and questions asked face-to-face to talk through your challenges. Add your questions to the list on the sign-up page and I will choose the most common questions to answer and a couple on the day. Join me today,Tuesday 5th September, at 2pm BST
If you missed the “Trading with Retailers” events then please watch the replay before joining the Q&A HERE.
Summer Retail Summary
While you were holidaying, assessing and reflecting on your next goals and moves, you might have missed out on some useful insights. But that’s where I come in.… The world of retail keeps moving at lightning speed, read this blog to give you a round-up of what’s been happening over the summer. barbie-mania within retail and why collaborations is so important, Farfetch taps out of beauty and what this means for beauty retail. The importance of physical retail in beauty and how can fashion e-commerce retailers tap into beauty successfully? Building customer loyalty through memberships, winning at retail and what’s next for Harvey Nichols? The inside scoop of my summer, are you ready for the golden quarter and upcoming events.
That’s all for this week, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Speak soon,
Wizz x