Join The Dots Results
26th June 2018
Please feel free to share this information throughout your own networks Please book your place via Eventbrite
Mission Statement.
Join the Dots will create a supportive environment within which people who face multiple barriers to community inclusion can easily access support. We will focus on people with complex needs, such as individuals leaving prison, those with past convictions and their families, mental health and addiction issues. Promoting inclusion and reintegration within a trauma informed framework.
This event comes at the end of our 6 month development phase where we will discuss the evaluation, research and feasibility study plus an exhibition of art and short performances from thoose who have participated in our test programme. We are also eager to hear from the sector how we can develop and grow this project into the future.
Can we come together to do things differently?
Event Agenda
12:30 Networking lunch
13:00 Welcome - Isabel McCue MBE - Founder Theatre Nemo
13:15 Will Linden - Director, Violence Reduction Unit
13:30 Participant presentation (Further details to follow)
13:45 Key Research findings and gaps - Nicola Dickson
14:00 Key Feasibility Study findings - Emma Collins
14:15 Participant presentation (Further details to follow)
14:30 Short Break
14:45 Interactive consultation workshop - Emma Collins
15:45 Closing remarks - Thomas Jackson Community Justice
16:00 Close Please book your place via Eventbrite