??? Join The Collective - a space for changemakers in global development!

??? Join The Collective - a space for changemakers in global development!


Imagine this: You're standing on the edge of a vast landscape of ideas, each one holding the potential to transform your relationships, organisation, and why not, the world. But here's the catch – these ideas often find themselves trapped in the barriers of today’s systems, unable to break free and reach their full potential. That's where The Collective comes in – a connective space designed by CPI’s Global Development Initiative , where curiosity meets action to advance practices in global development.

?? Join The Collective

Week after week, our team meets with remarkable practitioners, each working toward similar goals: How can we best fund and support ecosystems? What new leadership models are required to adapt to complexity? How can we measure systems change? Yet, these forces are sometimes scattered and often not talking to each other.

In a world where time is our most precious resource, we refuse to be trapped in our bubbles – whether they be our siloes, our theories, or our fear of failure. Instead, we roll up our sleeves and dive into the art of co-creation and experimentation. Let's face it – another run-of-the-mill community of practice just won't cut it anymore.

Suppose you're an individual whose passion fuels your work, striving to contribute to society and the planet's wellbeing but feeling hindered by entrenched structures and policies. In that case, clarity might come from a conversation with a stranger. Suddenly, we realise we're not alone in this journey. There are others just like us striving for the same goal. And just like us, they may not have all the answers, but they want to learn new ways of working and experimenting with others. This is what this space is all about.

The Collective offers a guided space for practitioners to experiment, learn, fail, and develop alternatives to support the regeneration of the development sector. We won’t offer you a community of practice or a capacity-building program. In reality, we won’t even offer you the ‘answers’, but we will walk alongside you to learn with you and co-create a journey to unveil our collective strengths and advance a shared intent through our shared discoveries.

And here's where it gets exciting! We launched The Collective at Catalyst 2030’s Catalyzing Change Conference , where we explored the topic of ‘Practicing Radical Change and Shifting Power in Funding Development’ by looking into the funding paradigm, and other three additional themes to explore together: Decolonising the development sector; Measuring systems change: systems MLE; and New leadership models.

?? Curious to learn more? Register to attend our information sessions on May 28th at 9 a.m. (EST) or June 5th at 1 p.m. (EST) .

Best wishes,

Javiera & Saumya

?? Connect with Javiera on LinkedIn

?? Connect with Saumya on LinkedIn

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