Join the celebration on October 10th
Kathryn L. Goetzke, MBA
Hope Scientist | UN Rep for the World Federation for Mental Health | Founder, iFred | CEO & Chief Hope Officer, The Shine Hope Company #ShineHope #HopefulCities #HopefulMinds #HopefulMindsets #TheHopeMatrixPodcast
It is hard to believe it has been 75 years since the World Federation for Mental Health began. Founded in 1948, the World Federation for Mental Health began with members, ‘not of individuals or countries, but of societies’ from 46 countries. Today, with members and contacts in over 90 countries, the organization chronicles the emergence of a global movement, one that has tirelessly championed the cause of mental health awareness, shattered stereotypes around mental disorders, and kindled a beacon of hope for individuals worldwide. Let’s embark on a captivating voyage through time and unravel the historical roots of the WFMH.
I’m a proud representative at the United Nations for the World Federation for Mental Health, serving as a voice for the over 1 billion people around the world with mental health disorders. Next year I will celebrate 20 years since I founded iFred, the International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression Hope, and what a journey it has been. From attending the World Health Organization’s MhGAP forum for many years, to speaking at the UN to get mental health incorporated in the Sustainable Development Goals through my work with FundaMentalSDG, to proving that hope is teachable, I’m in wonder and awe of how far the world has come in the last five years alone.
Please join us on October 10th, as The World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) celebrates the 75th Anniversary with a comprehensive campaign with the theme ‘Mental health is a Universal Human Right.
Visit the WFMH campaign website and use the free tools to elevate this critical message that we must make mental health a universal human right. The time for cohesive, collaborative, inspired action is now. Thank you for joining us in this global activation, and for your passion, energy, and collective work in making mental health a universal human right for all.
Thank you so much!
Keep Shining Hope,
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This year's #WorldMentalHealthDay centers on the powerful message that mental health is an innate universal human right.
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