Join the best in Luton, Dunstable & Leighton Buzzard - Purplebricks adding to our exceptional team!

Join the best in Luton, Dunstable & Leighton Buzzard - Purplebricks adding to our exceptional team!

With our valuation numbers increasing rapidly and market share growing month on month, we are looking to build our local property expert numbers in the Luton, Dunstable & Leighton Buzzard areas.

If you have a proven track record of delivering excellent customer service, would love to focus your time on valuing property, want to be part of a business that is leading industry change and also be rewarded for the job you do then get in touch with me on 07770 222232 or [email protected]

Our local property experts are supported by a extensive marketing campaign and a platform which enables valuations / viewings / offers to be booked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - so they can deliver a transparent service which is cost effective for our customers.

All our conversations are absolutely confidential and I would love the opportunity to run through with you how we work, and how you can change your future for the better!


