?? Join Alexander Hüsing and OMR podcast legend Sven Schmidt in the deutsche-startups Insider Podcast
Digitale Leute
Magazin für Produktentwicklung, UX und Softwareentwicklung | Save the date: 12 + 13 Nov, 2025 — Digitale Leute Summit
Dear Digitale Leute enthusiasts,
DL Insights Podcast #53: This week, Christina Lange, Domain Owner Product Coaching at METRO.digital,?explains?how their product organization is structured and how their product coaching operates?as an independent domain?of the Product Skills Unit.
Lessons learned?—?Join Karolin Wisch, CPO at Flaconi, and gain valuable insights about her leadership journey as a UX and Product Leader.
deutsche-startups.de turns 15!?Come and celebrate with us at the Digitale Leute Summit in Cologne.
Your Digitale Leute Team
In dieser Folge mit Christina erfahrt ihr alles über ihre pers?nliche Reise in Richtung Product Management und Coaching. Sie zeigt uns zudem, wie die interne Produktorganisation und das Product Coaching als eigenst?ndiger Bereich der Product Skills Unit funktioniert.
H?rt die komplette Episode in unserem Magazin, oder auf SoundCloud, Spotify, Deezer, Apple und Google Podcast — Jetzt reinh?ren!
From the bossy kid in school to her first leadership position at OTTO and now as CPO at Flaconi — Karolin?will take us on her leadership journey and share some of her experiences and lessons learned along the way. Get all the details!
deutsche-startups.de turns 15 this year! To celebrate this, there will not only be a dedicated stage — "The Product-Led-Growth Stage", but also a live recording of the DS Insider Podcast with Alexander and OMR Podcast legend Sven. Show me more!