Save Our Species- Thank Kerry's quad & women under 30- 1/4,00 of humans 90% of sustainability's solutions
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,
until covids gone can you help us with happiest virtual tour: quad scot irish 1billiongirls jews10maths; ecop26 2025 valuetrue e-word AI UN poor food health learning diary scotland maps japan 1 ; abeduni hunicorns marketsreality 2025report 1 GAMES
--------------------------sample chart week 17 year 2021 -register macrae newsweekly [email protected]
thank you i would like to talk a lot to korean friends too - do you use whatsapp my mobile is + 1 240 316 8157 ;?3 thoughteaders of 2nd half of 20th c who had similar views were my father the economist's norman macrae, peter drucker, ezra vogel; i believe they all hoped japan and south korea would be strong partners by now; at least for subjects younger half of world need tech to get locally right including health, climate, livelihood edu; i am tracking 5 end of years summits starting with home town glasgow cop26; do you know who in korea wants korean youth scottish youth and other youth to be action informed from glasgow - quite recently scot gordon brown helped launch this korean education network-? - do you know any of its people - and do you know anyone in korea who continues positive goals of the jeju aiib summit the first international space moon-jae-in spoke at with such optimism back in 2017?ps because of anonymous contributions to the economist my father was only well known in japan where he was awarded empire order of rising sun- can we use that to bridge a few people in korea/japan? or what way forwards do you see as most optimistic given the deep urgent challenges peoples/communities face everywhere - is there one korean university whose leadership you are closest to?----------------------------------
global spring 21 : 7 changes : 1 education. 2 green (youth's only) economics......good news - bad news- regarding world's biggest maths error- nobody can ruin youth's rising futures like mistaken economists- refer to keynes last chapter: general theory of employment money interest- with handful of economists increasingly locking in what future is possible, our species greatest risk will come from elderly white men's monopoly's rules ..if humans are to survive lets thank Chinese Japanese Bangladeshi WOMEN, as well as Americans for the Last 80 years
download latest hunicorns catalogue [email protected] writes: ever since president kennedy asked the head-fed to explore dad's 1962 survey in the economist, my diaspora scots family has compiled economistdiary ie 60 years -dedicated to our lifelong hero sir fazle abed who partner dec 2019- how did two thirds of humans -asians- end poverty spun by white empires during first 185 years of humans and machines - glasgow nov 2021 is last best chance for what glasgow university watt and smith intended to start up - the sustainable advance of all lives matter
rsvp [email protected] to nominate a summit or a?HUNIcorn- ie startup network too valuabLe for all lives matter for investors to exit or politicians to quarrel
. change? summit 2021?EconomistDiary..
?climate action nov glasgow 1 2
?education dubai dec rewired partners 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
?education qatar dec wise laureaes abed & 6 5 4 3 2 1
?education hk dec?yidan luminaries abed & 8 76 5 4 3 2 1
?education paris non varkey mn teacher 5 4 3 2 1
? aiforgood year round virtual geneva un - ops edu earth health ...
forbidden question from - in the year the world most needed japan to lead the g7 sustainability-tru- does suga have plan b- eg sue the olympics for everything if it is incapable of tokyo 2022 - japan needed to focus on ending covid in 2021 not funding the olympics advertisers- youth would have been more valued by viable 2022 timeline
bidenuni picks
virtual earth day summit april - see recording
biden june in europe -g7 cornwall : brussels bureacratics .............................
25 hunicorns by abed
health HUNIcornsHH! Oral rehydration saves half of infants lives in humid villages increases village mothers lives 20 years;HH2?together with nationwide vccination network and- HH3 village doordash 10 basic non-prescription drugs served by para-health village mothers -main partners unicef , barefoot china medics hh4 tuberculosis and last mile ID partners kim gates soros
education hunicorns 1 lifelong 2 primary partner brit and commonwealth aid,?3 teen 4 university 5 internet partner japans number 2 cellular company 6 solar 7 early childhood partner lego, yidan, cambridgeu
finance hunicorns?abed changed aid- 80% of brac funds grow and grow their outreach microfranchising businesses village mothers profit with unlike charity that often needs refunding; ultra is one finacial grant targeting 15% poorest graduation into ruing their own business partners cgap, nobel economist 2019 mit poverty lab; bkash is world's largrest cashless bank in number of customers; cit bank serves second generation villagers in city and their small interprices; brac international in netherlands systemises affordable remiittances as well as international brac hunicorns?
food security unicorns- rice science ends starvation; veggie science gives vitamins infants need to prevent stunting; poultry and dairy design nation market leadership whilst value chain maximises livelihoods of villagers ...
meta since 1972 person to person
meta tech partners legacy - can 100 universities share their sustainability alumni's massive collabprations /innovations advancing human lot
meetings diary end april update- weekly zoom on how to collaborate with uae summits on ai and education through 2021- other grand collaboration ops - deeper personal chats include share idea's on who's who scaling social solutions and maximising teachers and students actions for sdg collaboration - inspired by asian womens greatest scaling engineeer fazle abed -discuss brac legacy 100 university coalition, and relevance to 2021s leap forward diary -eg ?unga76 #aiforgood
before you say boo to me let me clarify 3 things - CJAB INTEL= THE PEOPLES ESPECIALLY YOUNG WOMENS LAST MILE SERVICE not the big public or private organisations of China, Japan, America, Bangladesh. the history of humans and machines has been all about the challenge of applications that go beyond power games GIRLSWORLDBANK.COM
Until the death of jfk the peoples of america (under 4% of humans lives) kindly stepped in and ended the old world's wars caused by taking 90% of people's resources taken by empires of 10% ... and extraordinary technologies that emerged from usa by 1957 were sufficient for japan to relaunch above zero-sum trading games humans had never seen before...
& soon the koreans and the chinese diaspora on isles like taiwan, hk, singapore multiplied win-win trades with- by 1962 dad at the economist started surveying the miracle of how the two thirds of humans who are asan could rise- within a week jfk asked the head of the fed to explore this new curriculum
Sustainability gravitates around mother earths core on how peoples' sd-goals collaboratively leap ahead of machine revolutions applied to the 5 most basic determinants of life : 2 food&water, 3 health, 4 education, 1 finance, safe resilient community. I know this is extremely naiive but in 1973 at age of 22 when I left Britain's number 1 maths network (Dampt in Cambridge ) my dream was in some small way to advance the human lot with statistics. It was a strange time for that dream- just 7 years earlier in 10th grade in school, all we had to calculate with was the slide ruler or a logs book; i was then one of the first people in britain to see a japanese electronic calculator then a government computer during a 6 months gap in being educated; all through my ba first distinction in maths, and my cambridge ma in statistics none of us students had direct access to a computer. Even the most famous mathematician i ever nearly got run over by steve hawkins never used a computer to do maths but he did need one to free his voice
my experience: reality of species survival is opposite of media spin; ultimate inconvenient truth we grand parents/parents must grab hold of immediately if the younger half of the planet = first sustainability generation; and they are our species last best chance; to delay another decade facing up to globally misleading directions that have been spun since amazon became a web will answer the bard's ultimate question negatively
CJAB2020s ANNUAL COVID BOOSTERS 4/15 will covid be with us through the 2020s? the question is beginning to be asked.. its probably a good thing japan is the olympics host because its daily broadcasting on covid events reality treats the audience as smart enough to cope with the latest truths
launching - co-searchers needed [email protected] on the roads to and from glasgow's 200th year of humans and machines aka cop26 .. astra
- - young scots mentored by adam smith scholars and irish friends are inviting youth from around the world to design sustainability's missing curricula - to be launched on 6 november (cop 26 saturday) at glasgow university union - example of curricula we are working on -please tell us if you have an addition to celebrate [email protected]
alas poor biden - chicago and minnesota police continue lives dont matter under his watch- why didnt he zoom all mayors/governors zero tolerance on this during his first week in the oval - you might have expected this after 416 weeks as obama's oval partner? - how can us claim to be the globe's human rights benchmark until this is fixed?
join 2(6)1 years of collaboration messaging
4/4 Happy Easter- here is latest extract from chat on the collaboration project that inspires me most - COALITION UNIVERSITY 2.0 - first 50 universities to share all their sdg scholars, alumni and students -if you have a world favorite why not mail me and if i understand i will toplink your bookmark- happy massive sdg collaborations [email protected] -dedicated to fazle abed who conceived university 2.0, 21 years ago and smith/watt who started age of humans and Machines 260 years ago at GlasgowU and Japan without whom the Asian two thirds of humans wouldnt have risen the way they now can and john von neumann withouth whom none of us wouble be able to sign off YOURS AI
my favorite find this easter - not sure my father knew his east-west curriculum started 1962 credentialized by JFK reminded me that through the 1990s when i was working either for a big 5 accountants valuation consultancy or the world's largest ad agency i published the following papers on risks of fame media and purposeless corporate brand valuation - if anyones sees a topic they are still trying to make more transparent- happy to try to help [email protected]
“Net destiny global brand hell — unless communications practitioners value risk more transparently”?to your profile
Mapping relationships: Chris Macrae suggests a valuation exercise to help organisations measure their true value and decipher whether a brand's intangible assets are compatible with its stakeholders' needs. (Brand Papers).)(Industry Overview)
Tales of brand gurus from three cities — Stockholm, Chicago and London: 4-D Branding: Cracking the Corporate Code of the Network Economy- book review
Editorial: Can brand leadership recover local trust and global responsibility?
Tales of brand gurus from three cities — Stockholm, Chicago and London: Brand Manners: How to Create the Self-Confident Organisation to Live the Brand
‘Branding in Action: Cases and Strategies for Profitable Brand Management’
‘Trust — the social virtues and the creation of prosperity’ - book review
‘Chaos Marketing — how to win in a turbulent world’ book review
my favorite sdg collaboration research through 2010s - cataloguing top 50 uniconrs of human development networking - the coalition and cases of -50 universities
-this began with founder of world's largest ngo partnership fazle abed at 2 debriefings he kindly chaired at japan embassy in dhaka in remembrance of my father the economist's norman macrae-- research at world record shows abed who also was one of 3 people who did most to empower the billion poorest asians to end extreme village poverty-
so possibility the biggest story in the future of education and sustainability generation - why not a new coalition of universities who on sdg actions share all their curricula and all their alumni going forward- within the scholar groups one could transform all ages of education - at the same time career offices could linkin to redesign last mile health-at least 100 million more last ,ile nursing staff needed!
if students were co-alumni of 50 sustainable universities they could also open source inter-hemisphere knowledge on worlds largest ngo partnership; they could redesign food security in a green-to-be world where most protein may need to be made of vegetables ; one could redesign finance- when i say redesign why not assume artificial intel helps sustain youth if it gets deep community data models correct locally -its communities not wash dc or brussels where the extreme tests of lost sustainability and occur - so if you prefer the 4 main new uni scholar coalitions are AI education ; ai health; ai food/water; ai finance ; of course these can connect with ai green communities or other under 30s coalitions needed for millennials to be the first sd generation
-===some wonderful questions i was asked to help search recetly:
which universities in africa are celebrating idea of co-creating joint alumni unicorns for sdgs - i dont have complete info but i know ghana is one hub of this and my friends at glasgow university are moving and shaking everything they can so that adam smith and james watt 260 year learning curves on humans and machines are included in worwide mabbing of collaboration universtiy
--here are a few details on ghana - the ashesi university has 2 hubs - seattle where it fundraises and where patrick awuah founder of ashesi university worked at microsoft for a decade-, and its campus which i think now has about 1000 students and probably 4000 alumni, it also has a summer camp on future of african new unis- this year that s virtual and i relayed you mail on that 10 days ago- the only time i met patrick was in new york at a un annual fringe meeting- actually he got new york facebook office to host ot; he is also a wise qatar laureate ; roughly what happened was 15 years ago after a decade at microsoft he did a masters at berkeley on the subject of launching a new university out of ghana but debating all of africa's education needs if populations double by 2050s- he has a lot of scattered high level supporters in tech and in berkeley and is endorsed by president of ghana who is on the main un sdg advocates panel - the problem for me is 2 fold - although he is an official part of the 50 new universites he is not known by soros who is the main funder of the new unis; also all i can do is try and get a zoom with one of the seattle team; i will try and do that- given their location west coast?-what times of the day can we offer; also to the extent that can offer them?some connection among dubai rewired decisionmakers or something that will get them to ask patrick to directly talk with you the better- muftah i am so sorry about your sister; and i am also sorry that i dont know how to make collaboration details shorter ;?i am hoping glasgow will soon issue a simple invitation to all potential youth coordinators like abubaki because the more youth can connect directly and then ask us if we have missing info the better- in nov cop 26 -there are the official organisers; then there is the group i have known for 13 years- their home is glasgow university when adam smith and james watt started the industrial revolution in 1760s- we are not happy how unequally machines were shared ; the union building has capacity for up to 750 people- and is reserved for youth to host or zoom events on sat nv 6; we would like a youth association twinning every other place to be formed both so youth can maximise glasgow nov 6 and every other forum- so how eg can you make most connection with rewired dubai december or indeed any sdg summit once real events go live again? quite a collaboration challenge!
================= the 2 most dangerous questions americans are not free to ask- what if vaccination protection only last 12 months - in that case an app like china's is only way to free a nation let alone the world from covid- why why in hell is washinton blocking american students from learning with chinese- ?
do you know nature's most uniqure green quarrel with the state you call home- arizona kicked off 50 startling state wide investigations by the younger half of america- as a desert state its problems beging and end with water; but apparently the geography of arizona is weird- there is a far north esast corner with lots of water but it used to owned by the navaho native people- they were tricked 50 years ago into sharing their water for free- today the most expensive properties in arizona syphon off this water- the whole real estate of the state is located in non-sustainable locations- quite an infrastructure problem -if you want to search out your states dirtiest secret join the coalition dialogues Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawai'i Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming District of Columbia Puerto Rico if you know of a youth chapter who would like one pagers on their states biggest problems handed out at cop26 please we-chat or wapp with me and glagow friends [email protected]=======
pull the other one joe- 50 years gov's failure on my-SHELF E**5 5G-0G IR4-IR0 isn't china or japan or anywhere else's fault-
65 years ago my father was privileged with a chance interview with von neumann about his legacy-forward 15 years by 1970, with moon race and moores law
it was evident that leading the world of 2025 would be 99% different (need 99% less filibustering)
than leading the world out of world war 2 which americans had done brilliantly and without whom i wouldn't have existed; as dad spent his last days as a teen navigating airplanes stationed in modernday myanmar- what that gave dad was an extraordinary east-west view of old and new world; starting with the fact that only 13% of people are white and two thirds are asian- most asians in 1945 had no access to the age of humans and machines because that is what the british empire and the pound had spun while it was the international reserve currency of slavemaking and colonising- if the dollar could unite nations in ways beyond the pound's world trading maps-- imagine what the human race could free for every next child born- all over the world of the 1960s people were imagining no mission impossible if moon race is successful except that is in main street america where assasinations of white and black leaders provided an early warning signal that washington dc was constitutionally backward and americans needed to debate future histories of the next 40 years more than any other peoples; so however naiively but joyfully 50 years of
debating future histories is what my father norman macrae's annual surveys started up at the economist of the 1970s - and which our 1984 book the 2025 report now offers its 37th annual dialogues around worldwide youth ambassadors
imagine if states of america britain japan loved each others youth
American Timing is wrong for sustaining 2020s, the most exciting decade to be alive -
as Netanyahu said at January's Davos Agenda - your nation's human and artificial intelligence 2020s depends on your smartest maths wizards, yet there is zero chance of education in america nurturing new von neumanns- the curriculum is broken, the teachers dont even practice late 20th c apps of maths and as for valuing student flow its beyond the scope of a system that exists to examine past silos not grow youth's worldwide friends
Failing Neumann's Industral Revolution 4 legacy: A story from Mr Trump's and Joe B's America- 2017: when i get depressed by the latest trump-noise i am fortunate- at 8am my local baker serves hot croissants; there this young black lady is in her 6th year of income generation while she studies to be a nurse- why oh why i ask myself cant apprenticing to be a nurse be costless; for example after a few months an apprentice nurse could be expert at vaccinating so earn her daily bread that way while continuing studies; of course to imagine a more economical health service and valuation of youthful america needs innovating education instead of filibustering in congress; improving the people's health locally is beyond the ability of any national party to serve the public- 2021 pull the other one Joe- do not talk up rights of other peoples nations until livesmatter on every US main street- you are a decent guy trapped in a system that makes the flintsones look progressive
april conversations on 37th year of searching change in education - soon after our 1984 book, new zealand were the first educators to contact us about flipping the classroom - soon the idea of lessons centred on childrens curiosity struck a chord in china where over 10 million families joined in- 20 years later to discourage your child from exchanges with chinese youth is a shame- if you want to see rough notes on china's revolution in education- tell me [email protected] or ask one of the 50000 american moms who teach chinese vipkids partly as a legacy of kobe bryant -extraordinary how goodwill multiplies between nations peoples if media is used to celebrate educating youth everywhere the way neumann assumed we'd apply computers and societal devices of 5g...
soon after our 1984 book the 2025report- we were contacted by new zealand educators- they soon started flipping the classroom making children's curiosity the star of each lesson - somehow the book of learningweb got read by 10 million chinese families in late 1990s- frankly chinese communities are many times more demanding about what is changing in schools than western ones- not to encourage educational exchanges with china will put your nation's youth in a dead end - i am reading a few translations i have been gifted-if you actually care about your kids future more than by being bossed around -happy to share
each of the following is an update conversation- many started 21 years ago- if you see a topic that interests you lets try and scale action-connections - through linkin email [email protected] zoom or whatsapp
april update this download from UNctad -diplomats in sdgs- looks interesting to me -- if relevant to you please say - rough bios-jan was at unctad in ny before levy economic institute at bard- still helps run soros youth scholars-unctad geneva summer school;?
before covid makoto used to commute tokyo-new york as nippon life government affairs dorector- he also enables young?musicians?to cheer up the world;
?robert does the extraordinary broadcasting series which i wrongly remember as?closer to
the future and closer to china two of the big issues he's been exploring fr decades;
?vincent connects universities the sdg generation needs
21.1 update march - on conversations with founders of - back in late 1990s fast company was edited out of boston- often it gave emails of founders startups; it also staged regular meetups in over 200 cities- 100 in usa 100 worldwide- i last met fastcompany's founder at 2 events - university of maryland 2008 and in berlin launch of yunus global social business partners summit 2009- here is my latest conversation hi alan - hope you are well; can we catch up? i went to bangladesh another 13 times after we last met in berlin but increasingly to understand how sir fazle abed 1 2 3 knowhow can save younger half of world as first sustainability generation- abed's the world largest ngo partnership and his maps across asia make very interesting links with my father norman macrae from the economist as well as bangla i am most interested in japan korea singapore hong kong china where i believe von neumann's (dad was his biographer) legacy of aiforgood may yet save our species ; indeed when dad died japan ambassador to dhaka hosted 2 dinners asking fazle abed to discuss how his biggest partner projects matched my fathers life long work on entrepreneurial revolution, asia rising and von neumann - i would like to help under 30s and their mentors linkin the 6 most human post covid reunions including my family's home townnov 2021 where we have 13 years of work on what would 21st c adam smith make of the world of machines he and james warr started up 260 years ago [email protected]
This is a conversation which began 37 years ago when my family published the
-our estimate was our species survival's best chances depended on worldwide integration of sustainability solutions by 2025 although the date depended on when ai platforms would take over operating any systems that earlier ages had left to manual government which now looks to be more likely to be 2030
please note we use unicorn in sense of a network map whose connections clearly multiply more than billion dollars of value exchange - where the network is not yet complete in technology terms that only show how much more value is achievable when the network reaches every community that's not able to completlely deliver sustainable goals with out it
21.3 update march this is year 18 of a conversation that began when in london i met an architect/civil engineer who builds some of the uae universities and exhibition centers- wonderful conversation today- please question me any time if i can amplify details- equally abubaki if you have list of what you most work on -great to see it - i am also at [email protected] today he introduced me to a sudanese postgraduate currently doing great work connecting dubai sdg movememts
1 sudan the 2 groups of people who i know are very dedicated are? and? i need to update a bit of connecting but have a look and see if they fit what you are looking for?
2 dubai?edu summit december - if you scroll down this bookmark you will see the 2 main local hosts and several of the un leaders - i have some more details on some of others at un headquarters and geneva who probably all know each other - they have already announced some huge partnerships who will be updating actions- eg learning passports will digitally translate different countries curricula/certificates so that eg refugees hopefully they dint have to qualify twice in future - i have linkedin but dont know one of the conference producers of rewired?.. -also dubai can be magic place for connecting edu and ai - see also singapore a leader on this
3 the person most responsible for choosing the 50 universities now that fazle abed died in dec 2019 sometimes stops off at dubai; there are a few different ways to describe the coalition; it would certainly help if the 3 of us can keep discussing the best way to explain but ultimately it only works completely if alumni across universities form one overall club round last mile replication of knowhow so far and ai tech needed
4 i am a huge fan of what jack ma wanted to do with education; i imagine politics may be blocking him but if you come across any friends of his doing local stuff i would love to know
========================timeless urgent agenda
ecop26 -green
upda 4/12 -hello prof EG - 3 top of mind questions- 1 is there a circulation list on linkedin or somewhere of which of your 100 zoomedin academic institutes is coming to glasgow cop26 or wants their youth to zoom in? with help of adam smith scholars whom i have worked with for 13 years, glasgow university union building is being organised around world youth dialogues particularly cop26 weekend saturday 6 nov- scotland wont get another youth world stage event in 2020s so every university in scotland wants to collaborate- 2 has someone like facilitator tara padua already connected you to bbc green broadcasters?- she joined in 2017 new york collaboratory event my friends hosted to meet bbc's number 2 green broadcaster paul rose; green sdg actions is prince charles main iaward platform co-led by thedaughter of the sainsbury's dynasty sarah butler-sloss-3 my understanding is brac through british ambassador has started asking how can osun civic engaged youth connect with legacy of duke of edinburghs- the uk's original teens civic engagement scheme -sir fazle abed was my fathers number 1 hero so the japanese whose economic model my father shared with jfk have been debating abed's legacy of?asias open universities for sustainability since my fathers death in 2010.. i get my 2nd vaccination tomorrow; in the event we can meet anytime before glasgow please tell me- and i will drive up from dc - chris
alas poor biden part 2
latest lesson coinbase platform economy for exchanging crypto founder 9 years ago worth more than british petroleum - this shuld tell any democratic country that it needs politicians who are exoert on platform networks not on arguing with each other over topics that main have explanied economic survival in 1945 but now cause economic and community extinction
back in 2016 kissinger shuttled between beijing and usa to explain youth as sdg generation depended on zero cold wars on sustainability- kerry's visit to shaghai is last best chance- however what team biden need to do immediately is start celebrating the chinese people - all of hk taiwan and other chinese states at the community level have come up with more sdg solutions than anywhere- chinese people have the only answers to preventing 2020s being the covid decade - why not be humble and go chat with pope francis on how tomediate the crisis of pretending to be the most powerful ruler in an age where communities last mile solutions need to unite mother eaths peoples not divide them the way washington dc has done this century=======================
latest debate june 2021 there is a lot of evidence that nations which systemise human capital auditing are also ahead on sdgs and humanising tech... actually that could be a conversation to have with inger as nordica is one such region- just personally rothschilds are not simple- when my father sub-edited the economists three rich families were on the board of the economist- the sainsbury's and cadbury's were broadly supportive of my father's ideas on changing the future, the rothchilds were always vetoing them- anyhow the question would be do we know anyone whose trust in human capital actually gets legislated either regionally or across some leading orgaisations focused on at least one sdg.. if education is about empowering the child to develop her human capital then i think its those closest to yidan who are moving that- i am linkedin but have not raised this with the head of american international school in hong kong; if one of you in barcelona has time to ask whether hong kong ai and win-win barcelona ai can help their alumni connect then that's a key conversation
CEO at InfoCentroid Software Solutions Pvt Ltd | Leading | Business Event Planner | Expert in Lead Generation & Digital Marketing for Entrepreneurs
2 年nice post year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,
3 年current 25 year reflection on change media- hi english speaking friends of global ad and man consultancy--hope you are well - wondered what turns you on these days - the last connection dad made for me muhammad yunus; family 2007 sampled 2000 of his books across students mainly london paris dc (where i accidentally live) ny boston; that led me to 15 visits to bangladesh where i found microfinance was originally microhealth - before yunus sir fazle abed of brac built a meta-village of 100000 in 1972; saw women had no livelihoods; designed microfranchises of health -oral rehydration, vaccinations with unicef,10 simplest village cures - and agriculture for infant/mothers nutrition- first goal of women empowerment end infant deaths raise village life expectancy from 40s to 60s; as these women owned franchises started extending across all village regions they needed their own financial services - for 27 years abed previously regional ceo of shell designed person to person networks in villages without electricity- then from late 1990s tech partners came to bangladesh with mobiles and solar; fazle abed bumped into steve jobs wife who asked him why dont you share your solutions worldwide;