Johnson screen resin trap filter nozzle — Bluslot? Filter
Resin Traps
Wedge wire screen consists of stainless steel triangle wire surface profiles and stainless steel support rods (triangle wire, round bar, flat bar, or wedge wire). It forms various V-shape slots with a narrow opening on the top and wide opening on the bottom and delivers a high flow rate, excellent chemical stability, and great corrosion resistance performance.
Resin traps, also named as media traps, are designed to install on either existing and new build strainer bodies to capture the media and resins from loss and prevent them from traveling downstream.
Slot size: 20 microns to 3000 microns.
Connection type: Commonly is a flange, some are threads.
Applications: Resin traps should be installed in the product water line of most resin and media-based water treatment equipment like Softeners, Dealkalizers, Condensate Polishers, Demineralizers, Carbon Filters, Sand Filters.Also, a resin trap should be considered in the backwash lines of most ion exchange and carbon systems because temperature-related flow changes can cause these expensive materials to be sent down the drain.
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