Johns thoughts of the day. Do we need another political party?
Republicans and Democrats
Are the Republicans moving farther right and or are the Democrats moving farther left? I spent a lot of time researching this question and came up with biased answers. If the answers were written by conservatives, the Democrat party is definitely moving farther left. If the answers were written by liberals, the Republican party is definitely moving farther right.
No matter how far left or how far right, the question will always boil down to which party has the better opportunity to compete for voters in the political center?
These two main political parties each have their own ideologies (conservative and liberal) that can cover a wide range of beliefs. Members may believe in the basic ideology of their party, but not every component of that ideology. The farther left or right, the more components will be disagreed with.) What are the basic ideologies of each party?
Republicans believe in individual responsibility. Government’s role is to enable people to earn, not be given, the benefits of society for themselves, their families, and for those who are unable to do so for themselves. They believe in limited Government, focused mainly at the state and local level, not centered at a federal level.
On the other hand, the Democrat Party generally supports a strong federal government with powers to regulate business and industry in the public interest; federally financed social services and benefits for the poor, the unemployed, the aged, and other groups; and the protection of civil rights.
Spoiler alert! Looking at this from a conservative point of view, I don’t think the Republican Party has moved farther right. There is still a belief in the basic ideology along with the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Rule of Law. If anything, they have moved farther left because they, like the Democrats, have helped create a larger Federal government, aided in increasing our National Debt and shown minimal fiscal responsibility with taxpayer’s money.
The Democrats, I believe, have moved farther left. I read where many Democrats want to separate themselves from the liberal label and the liberals want to separate themselves from the progressive label. The progressives include Bernie Sanders and AOC and the Squad who also want free college, wipe out college debt, reparations, cut the military budget, defund the police along with continual charges of racism, white supremacy and white privilege. In addition:
The latest Executive Orders (includes current border crisis), combined with the COVID Relief Bill (according to FactCheck 79% had nothing to do with COVID), HR 1 (change Constitution and Federally control voting laws), HR 51 (make D.C. a state), will introduce Bills to do away with Filibuster (used 328 times in 2020 with Republicans using it once), pack the Supreme Court (Pelosi won’t bring it up for a vote – yet. She knows filibuster has to go first.), introduce an infrastructure bill which now includes a brand-new definition called “social infrastructure.” After President Biden’s first six months in office, the National Debt could increase by $3 trillion dollars.
Maybe centrist voters might want to consider creating another Party. Get out of crazy town on the left and escape fiscally irresponsible politicians on the right and the left.