JohnPaul Kearns about future of seafarers and MASS in Ireland

JohnPaul Kearns about future of seafarers and MASS in Ireland

Today Sven-Eric Brooks talks to JohnPaul Kearns (BSc. AFNI) , who combines both important roles educational and practical – “Secretary” of The Nautical Institute in Ireland ( Nautical Institute Ireland Branch ) and marine superintendent in one of leading marine autonomy companies and previous experience as OIM and Master in the offshore Energy market on DP III vessels.

Good day JohnPaul, lets start from classical questions, what do you think in common about Autonomous ships?

Autonomy and Remotely operated vessels is indeed a serious part of the future of Maritime technology.

Autonomy also gives the seafarer the chance to embrace “Positive Change” in certain sectors of the maritime world. The advantages of Uncrewed vessels is obvious in the fact that it reduces individuals personal exposure to risk and therefore is a safer option.

Do I believe that it is suitable for every industry at sea right now? The answer is No. Do I believe that it may be suitable to every industry in the future, Yes 100%. Autonomy will have a function in every maritime industry in the future. We are already using autonomy on vessels every day, but we don’t always see it.

?How do you think could MASS substitute professional seafarers?

That is a very interesting question. I do not see Autonomy substituting the professional Mariner. I see it as changing the way we work and how the seafarer manages work and Change. MASS is giving us all a great opportunity for the seafaring professionals who embrace change the ability to continue to work in a marine based role and have an excellent chance at that work life balance. You may not miss that important birthday or celebration ever again.

How do you think MASS will change the mariners profession?

MASS will change certain industries for the Mariner. It won’t change every sector in the short term. A smaller survey vessel will have a great benefit where the survey spread is accessed remotely as well as the Navigational spread. A Naval service’s blended approach to crewed and uncrewed patrolling would benefit both onshore and offshore based positions. Similarities should be drawn to the world of Dynamic Positioning, like DP operations the seafarer of the future will develop new skills and become more experienced and skilled in new fields. Remember, Mariners are not just seafarers, they are managers, Personnel co-ordinators, Project managers, IT operators, Emergency response personnel and most of all Mariners are highly skilled and Managing Change successfully.

?Nearly everything is moving to a remote computer guided operation, Our interview today is conducted remotely and we haven’t considered this as abnormal at all. As a matter of fact, it is more beneficial to both parties. Understanding the change is paramount and informing people of the change and benefits will remain Key to this successful transition.??

Is it required to add MASS courses to mandatory knowledge of seafarers in universities?

I personally believe that MASS courses are paramount to informing the Mariner of today and the Mariner of the future of how the 2 worlds of Autonomous and Remotely operated Vessels can work in unison with Manned vessels to ensure that we maintain a safer world at sea.

The uncrewed vessel Master must understand the operations of a crewed vessel and similarly the Crewed vessel Master must have an understanding of the Uncrewed vessels operations and limitations.

Training and Knowledge is paramount to this new ERA and development of Uncrewed systems.

Could the ROC master be treated as captain or seafarer (in case he started carrier right from ROC)?

This is a really interesting question and one that will require more than a short / brief response. Maybe another day to discuss.

I do believe that the ROC Master of a remotely operated vessel must be treated as the Master of the vessel as He or She is in full command of their vessel and they have the ultimate command to make decisions in respect to the safety of their vessel, other sea users and the Environment.

Understanding the rules of the (road) sea and being appropriately qualified at this time requires personnel to have seagoing certification.

Do I see a change in the future? Yes, I do and personally, I feel that there must be more stringent rules and governance agreed to support the correct certification and training of non-mariners similar to ROV operations and UAV operations.

In the mean time, it would be beneficial to adapt the STCW course criteria to capture Uncrewed / remote operations as they develop and change. There are already great companies out there looking into this, SeaBot Maritime and Tidal Marine to name but a few are already looking into this with some great success.?

How does Nautical Institute Ireland Branch see its role in the era of Autonomous Ships?

As Secretary of the Nautical Institute Ireland Branch I can say that my experience is that of a positive one, especially from the NI younger members. Some of the more senior people are also very positive about the change in the future but realistic that it cannot be uniform across every industry just now. I feel that the belief is that “it is happening”, regardless of feelings towards it and personal opinions.

It is a great time to be apart of this revolutionary change in maritime operations. Working ashore for the mariner is no longer just in a role as a Pilot, Lecturer or superintendent (to name but a few). There is an alternative career available to people now.

You are also a DP operator, how do you think Dynamic Positioning could be applied to Autonomous Ships?

Yes, I am an Unlimited DP operator and have command experience across various DP vessels such as PSV, Accommodation, Construction, ROV, Survey and finished out my career at sea as Master and OIM on a DP III Drilling vessel with a company who helped to instil my professional drive for “positive change, Innovation and Care through operational performance”. Thank you Stena Drilling for that opportunity, I hope it is ok to give them that thanks and respect.

To answer to question, How do I see Autonomous ships with DP. The answer is really easy, There is a place for this, we see it already operational with the Space shuttle / rocket landing vessels who are remotely operated DP vessels / barges.

This proves that this type of system works. If an ROC was established for DP operations it could also significantly reduce personnels need to be offshore and could reduce the minimum manning levels. All of this play a positive effect on both seafarers mental health and the environment.

Mental health, The reduction in the need to travel away from families at such a constant rate may increase a persons well being and have more connection time with their families.

Having an ROC onshore would allow for a “Round the sun” rotation of personnel so that there is neve the need for a human to complete a night shift again. (This would need to be well managed and verified, but in theory, this would work.

Not sending people away as frequently also reduces the carbon foot print of that person for a specific company and reduced international travel and flights.

From the safety side of operations, a remotely operated and connected vessel would allow tine for personnel to evacuate in the event of an emergency and could ultimately save lives.

We are also aware of newly proposed NI Remote DP operator training and certifications, how popular is this service??

There are many developments of training across the industry. The important thing about training is to ensure that it is an approved standard. Companies have in house training but institutions like the NI and STCW are perfectly situated to support this type of training. I have aided a company to develop an STCW processed training equivalent and hope that companies like the NI,? SeaBot Maritime UK & Ireland can also continue the great work in this training process.??

How could you describe the MASS and smart ships status of technologies in Ireland?

MASS in Ireland is in its infancy but is a market leader in its development and deployment.

The Irish MASS market is supported by XOCEAN and is currently a world leader in its status and I am proud to be a part of this past development and future innovations.

The most important thing about MASS?is the people that are employed to make it a reality.

MASS in Ireland is only possible when the experienced, qualified and certified people in Ireland make it happen. Autonomy only works when the people make it work. MASS relies on people power and I am honored to be a small cog in the wheel of this industrial revolution.

How young man in Ireland could start their career if they are interested in Autonomous shipping, may be you could advise on your experience?

?My interest in the marine world came from a young age where I was lucky enough to be exposed to recreational motor sailing with my family where we spent every summer living on our boat around the coast and on the inland waterways of Ireland. I later joined the Irish Naval service Reserve when I was in school “An Slua Muirí” which drove my interest to pursue in a career in all things Marine & shipping.

When I finished School I went to the Cork Institute of Technology (now the Munster Technological University ) to Study “Nautical Science” and went offshore as a cadet with Bank Line General cargo vessels where I managed to complete 4 circumnavigation trips of the world visiting some of the most amazing parts of the world. I moved into the offshore world in 2001 and worked on a variety of DP vessels including offshore support & Supply, accommodation, construction, survey and drilling (to name a few).

I returned to college in 2005 to the Newly built NMCI “National Maritime College of Ireland” and completed my Master Mariner certificate and finally obtained my BSc in Nautical Science.????

I have since kept in touch with the NMCI and their team and I am always on hand to support, promote and assist every seafarer in their adventure from the commencement to completion which ultimately led me to want to support the @Nautical Institute where I am currently the Secretary of the NI Irish branch. I would love to give them a shout out too, a network of like minded people who want our seafarers to have not only the NI at our hearts, but we want to support all our Irish and extended seafarers both onshore and offshore.??

As you can see – I am pretty passionate about the past – the current and most importantly the future of our seafaring community, practices and our future seafaring technologies.

Fergus Roe

Projects Director | Operations Manager | Development/Asset Manager | Engineering Manager

1 年

Good man JP??

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