John Melnick Speaking Services
I love playing golf, watching baseball and watching movies that make you think. I'm a successful professional speaker who balances a challenging schedule with spending time with my family. I also live with severe depression. With a supportive family, a good doctor and the right medication, I am able to RISE ABOVE and live a full life and make a real contribution to my community. I am sharing my story because I want to get people talking about depression.
FACE IT - Mental Illness concerns us all.
On September 19,2002 in the midst of a deep depression, I attempted suicide for the third time. I swam fully clothed in a business suit into the middle of the swift flowing, deep Red River. In the middle of the river I decided I wanted to live. I swam out and spent the next six weeks in the mental health ward in the Victoria General Hospital. I have been in recovery ever since.
I have concluded that we must smash the stigma which prevents us from speaking about mental health issues if we are to improve mental health conditions and RISE ABOVE.
My vision is to have all people RISE ABOVE things they didn't know they could RISE ABOVE from.
My mission is to share information about ways I have found to RISE ABOVE.