John 9:6-7

John 9:6-7

I read this passage and I wonder how I would react if someone mixed their saliva with some dirt on the ground and put it on my face like this. Ewww! Why didn't Jesus just heal this guy and be done with it? Why the messy prelude?

If you'll notice, Jesus did two things. First, He placed mud on the man's eyes. Then, He told him to go and wash in the pool of Siloam. Of course, the man willingly obeyed. If you had some gross concoction smeared on your eyes, wouldn't you? The mud actually provided the motivation for his obedience.

My point? We don't always have to understand why we find ourselves muddy sometimes. Perhaps if we weren't muddy, we'd never be motivated to obey! And obedience is crucial to a successful and flourishing walk with the Lord.

Brothers & Sisters, let's not despise the mud on our face today. We all have times of trial. Let's use them for an opportunity to be obedient! God is just trying to help us see better! SOMETIMES WE GOTTA GET DOWN AND DIRTY!


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