JOHN 3:16 "God So Loved the World."
Restoring the faith, which was once delivered to the Saints and Equipping the 21st-Century Church
God's love is a powerful force that continues to shape our lives. He demonstrated this love by giving his only begotten son to the entire world. However, the promise of 'shall not perish' is for 'Whosoever Believes in Him. It's a simple yet profound truth.
It also answers the question, "If we inherited Adam's sins, why can't we inherit salvation?"
'Whosoever Believes in Him is the unchangeable principle."If you don't get this, you have missed an essential reality of the gospel, and whatever you teach or preach will leave people without a real challenge for change.
When Peter preached on the day of Pentecost, the people didn't just smile and laugh their way home. The scripture says, "They were pricked in their hearts." Acts 2:37.
When was the last time you listened to God's word and felt its power piercing through your heart? Apostolic preaching carries such power, and it takes that to change a sin and hell-bound generation.
God has done everything necessary for our salvation, but the challenge lies in our belief. Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6), and faith comes by hearing the word of God, not the words and opinions of people.
One can spend hours on the pulpit talking but preaching or teaching their words and not God's. That's the reason for the faithlessness in today's generation. People attend Church and hear the preacher's opinions coined as gospel from start to finish and wonder why they can't have what Christ provides in salvation.
We must return to the simplicity of the gospel, and that will require humility from us. The idea of sounding controversial in order to trend and make others look stupid is the reason for the trash dished out today on different platforms as gospel.
May the Lord have mercy on us
Dr Etta