John 10:10-11 ; 1 Peter 5:4
Joseph, the son of Jacob, grew up caring for flocks as a shepherd boy?(Genesis 37:2). While we might have a romantic view of an easy pastoral life among sheep and goats, the main responsibility of a shepherd was to protect the flock against hungry predators (wolves, lions, etc.) looking for an easy meal, actually quite a dangerous job. The shepherd loved his sheep, and Joseph was a good shepherd.
Jesus, " the?"Suffering Servant"?Messiah, was illustrated in the life of Joseph. Jesus came as a good shepherd to protect His flock against the enemy whose sole purpose is to steal, kill and destroy.?Our Shepherd Messiah, was ready to give His life to protect us. And He is still watching over us – He gave His lifeblood to protect us because He loves us, and we are incalculably precious to Him, each one.
Brothers & Sisters, do you know how precious and loved you are? How the Son of God exposed Himself to the ultimate danger because of His incalculable love for you? How He protects you from unseen danger every day of your life? We can rest in His protective love, no matter what happens, especially because where we're going, there will never be danger again.?