The Joffe Community
Chris Joffe
Keynote | Author | I work with badass teams to help schools & venues to prepare for, respond to & recover from crises | Inter-disciplinarian | Safer. Together.
Relationships are important in all aspects of life, but in terms of Joffe and the schools we work with, having a sense of community is at the top of our list. We make it a priority to not only bond with our schools, but to help other schools bond together as well.
Our Peer-to-Peer Crisis Support Program is one of the many ways in which we’re able to bring multiple schools together -both their faculty and students – to learn, grow, and bond as a community. Students are able to learn how other schools work to maintain a safe environment and develop new ideas to keep each other safe.
As with any relationship, it is our goal to foster our current partnerships and nurture the new ones. We value our schools’ opinions and aim to garner their trust. In a technology-driven world, we want to be sure that our schools know our team members on a more personal level than just a faceless email address. Though a single response manager is typically assigned to each school, we like for our schools to get to know us as a whole; that’s why, on occasion, we bring the entire Joffe team for a meeting or event.
It is the little delights, such as the note below, that make our jobs easy and enjoyable. We’re proud to be a part of the school community, and we take pride in knowing we can be depended upon to help children and adults alike to stay safe.
We’ve worked with a number of schools over the years, and as they have grown and changed, so have we. But one thing remains constant: It is always our priority to keep the community informed on how to stay safe. Community is essential, safety is our business, and we take it to heart.